some models have like 2 texture sheets , but the modeler UV mapped it as one object, and then just placed the unwrapped parts in different sections. Like, 1 set of UV's is in 0 to 1, and another set is in 1 to 2 UVspace. how do you re-apply these textures when they split at the polygon level, and how do you export the flats?
here's how i fixed the prob...
apply a sub/multi object texture. find out which tex ID refers to which parts (ie. 01 is for arms, 02 is for torso) and apply the textures suitably (ie. 01 would have arms_diff, arms_spec, arms_normal... and 02 would have torso_diff, torso_spec.... etc)
hope it helps...
To output the wireframes as painting guides, you can use a feature within UVW Unwrap's "Edit UVW" window... it's in the Tools menu, called Render UVW Template.
To render the 1-2 UVs, first you'll need to offset them -1 on whichever dimension... make sure no polygons are selected, add a UVW Xform modifier, and change the U (or V) Offset spinner to -1, then add a UVW Unwrap mod to render it.