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bad memory

polycounter lvl 19
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Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
is this normal?
I can be using something, set it down for a second and completely lose it, scissors, screw drivers, my usb thumb drive at work.

My concept of time seems to be changing too, when Dominance War 2 was announced I thought "wait, how can it be the second annual when the alst one was only a few months ago?". Is that the whole "time seems to pass faster as you age" deal?

Just wondering if I should get the 'ol noggin checked out.


  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18

    that aside, I think it's common for most people to have random memory lapses like that. That may not mean it's healthy or normal (I'm not a doctor), but at least you're not alone.

    I think your perception of the dom war being a few months ago and your forgetting a thumb drive on a desk aren't really related. Time definitely appears to go by faster as you age. An old friend (dont even remember who... hah) explained it very well for me once... or at least his explanation seemed to make the most sense to me. To humans, most everything is a relative experience. When you're 5 years old, a month is a relatively huge percentage of your life so far. When you're 30, a month barely takes up the same amount of relative time as an hour did when you were a toddler. Crazy human brains.

    As for forgetting a USB drive... probably just absent-mindedness. I do that all the time. Harmless... I laugh about it.
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    Few days ago while i was studing for exams i had some crazy experiences too, not with what i was focoused on, the study, as that I remembered well, but simple things. The study room is on the 6th floor of university, and the students main room is on -1st floor. I forgot my coat every single day, almost everytime i went from the study room to the students room. One time, i got in the study room and realised i forgot the coat once again, went downstairs the 7 floors, when i get back again (another 7 floors running up... i lost 2kg by doing this for 2 months woot)i didn't have my coat again.. had to run down again!

    Dont worry laugh.gif
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Every once in awhile I'll have a idiotic brain fart that makes me want to punch myself. Last time was a week ago at Blockbuster, I was looking for two movies, I spent a good 10 minutes looking at where I somehow thought they'd be, then asked a clerk where they were, and he showed me, both movies were RIGHT NEXT to where I was looking, I just didn't comprehend the alphabetical order quite right.
  • thefatladysings
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    thefatladysings polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]

    I think your perception of the dom war being a few months ago and your forgetting a thumb drive on a desk aren't really related. Time definitely appears to go by faster as you age. An old friend (dont even remember who... hah) explained it very well for me once... or at least his explanation seemed to make the most sense to me. To humans, most everything is a relative experience. When you're 5 years old, a month is a relatively huge percentage of your life so far. When you're 30, a month barely takes up the same amount of relative time as an hour did when you were a toddler. Crazy human brains.

    [/ QUOTE ]I once read an article about why time appears to go faster when you age. According to that article it's because your heart rate goes down as you age. As a young child with a high heart rate time will go relatively slower than when you're old and have a much lower heart rate.
    If I'm right this also explains why mice have such fast reflexes, they have an extremely fast heart rate so they'll be constantly in matrix-like slowmotion tongue.gif
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Its ok, i can hardly hold a coherent thought for more than 60 seconds. I can loose what i was doing in the time it takes for me to stand up. Only way i can hold onto what i'm supposed to do is to keep saying it in my head the whole time. If any other thought comes into my head its gone.

    Oh and every time i learn a new name i forget one that i haven't used in a while. At first i just would say that because that what i thought was happening but after being in AZ and meeting new people and remembering their names i came back to find people i used to talk to know talking to me with out me knowing their names.

    I need a personal computer thats always on me that hooks up to glasses and will tell me who i'm talking to, and remember what i'm doing.
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    I think occasional forgetfulness is normal, but memory loss can also be a sign of brain damage, mental illness, or other serious problems. If this forgetfulness is uncharacteristic for you, and if it persists, maybe you should see a doctor. It's probably nothing, but if you're worring about it, it doesn't hurt to ask someone who actually has some medical training.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I once read an article about why time appears to go faster when you age. According to that article it's because your heart rate goes down as you age. As a young child with a high heart rate time will go relatively slower than when you're old and have a much lower heart rate.
    If I'm right this also explains why mice have such fast reflexes, they have an extremely fast heart rate so they'll be constantly in matrix-like slowmotion tongue.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know, I think what Ferg said makes more sense. If you look at time relative to the length of your life, when you're 5 years old, a year is 20% of a lifetime (which is a huge chunk of time)... when you're 80, a year is only 1.25% of a lifetime. To the 5 year old, a year is perceived to be more than 10 times as long (relative to the length of their life thus far). That's why you always hear old people talk about how short life is, and hear little kids talk about how it's FOREVER 'til Christmas when it's just 2 weeks away (part of that has to do with anticipation, but still, I remember when I was a kid a week seemed like such a long period of time).
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Goddamn it, I was going to write something but I forget what it was.
  • Nerd Groupie
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    Nerd Groupie polycounter lvl 18
    3D Guy probably has the worst memory I've ever seen. It's terrible. My short term kind of sucks. My long term is strangely good, I constantly am hearing people say "How do you remember that?!" My dad used to crack me up, if he was doing something, you could not talk to him or he'd "get flustered" and forget what he was doing. I found his keys in the freezer and my mom's checkbook in the fridge. I found I've become like that too. Comes from the short term lacking, I guess. I will be saying something, and if someone cuts me off and comes back to me and goes "what were you saying?" most of the time I have no clue.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I can't remember anything unless I write it on the back of my hand, so that way, when I occasionally look down when i'm typing, or playing video games, i see it, and am reminded.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Wow, great to hear that I'm not to only one.

    Seriously, I was feeling very worried about this lately. I always forget what I was doing/have to do.

    What's worse is that I can barely things that happened like 3 years ago. I'll have a friend go into some story about something that happened, but have no memory of it. :S

    Could have something to do with concussions I suppose, I've had a few, but I don't think anything serious enough to do any real damage.

    Anyways, yea, good to know I'm not the only one with a disfunctional memory...
  • Eric Chadwick
    I have dysfunctional memory. smile.gif

    But seriously, I have a helluva time remembering people's names. And it's only getting worse as our kids get a wider circle of friends, and I'm supposed to remember their parents' and siblings' names or I look like an inconsiderate dork.

    Ferg/KeyserSoze I think it has more to do with getting stuck in familiar patterns, than the amount of time you've lived. Living in patterns tends to make me lose the Zen-like awareness of the "now," like driving on auto-pilot and suddenly realizing you're near home.
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