I've been a slacker for too long, but shall answer the call to arms. Gonna give some comments and draw more tomorrow, too tired to do either one in a worthwhile fashion anymore tonight.
Got a few sketches done on paper, but no scanner tonight so this silhouette will have to do with an explanation.
Ludwig pledged his undying allegience to polycount as he lay on his deathbed. His corpse was reanimated by a group of skilled neo-shamen/surgeons. He awoke with only glimpses of memory from his past-life, but he retained his lust for smoke and fire. Sabotage is his gig, but he doesnt mind an evening with a bit of the old ultra-violence. Ludwig shuns society and especially technology, unless the technology is of immediete use to him in some sort of destruction. I will figure out the weapon in the coming days, I would love something incendiary but it seems like most targets in the year 3016 will be fire-retardent so incendiary weapons arent too practical. He will need a good blade for stealthy killings in the moments leading up to destruction.
His familiar Raven(name pending) is primarily employed at reconnaissance, but is also skilled at eating eyes and simply mocking enemies. He is also usully honored with counting down from 7 (thats as high as he knows how to count) prior to detonations. Those things dangling off the right arm are coins and other shiny baubles which the Raven has collected, hanging from pieces of leather.
Enough jibber-jabber. Heres an early concept, more to come. I really need to push the concept this time since I usually rush into modeling before my concept is done.

C+C is awesome.
the raven-as-weapon deal could really net you a lot of mileage, and it'll be interesting how you develop this undead character in a high tech way while still keeping to your portion of the brief. in any case, looking forward to seeing some more progress soon. keep us posted