Pretty oldtimer her, i think the last time i posted here, was propably somewhen arround 1999, guess as Blackpanther. Haven't done alot of art in the past couple of year's, but was allways lurkin arround here.
Anyway i took the oppurtunaty to join in the green rows of polycount for this war. At the start, i came up with a concept, and thats alot, didnt draw, for atleast a year, just to find out about that 80% human 20% mechanical crap. Considered joining 3DThreedy, but the concept wouldnt fit in there too.
That is my initial concept, not much to see, i freshly moved to the USA, and have no Wacom board, or even a digicam, poor me

. But i have dial up and a webcam, from my wife

, enough talking.

Well i will do now a alienspecies, propably catlike, to be more specific, a humanaid panther, as a tribut to my old nickname. I'm currently sketching on him, but didn't came up with something that i realy liked, so far.
The legs and the tail, will stay close to my initial concept, not as mechanical parts, but as organic. I belive that this is the keyelement of a assasin, being fast, strong and athletic. I'm not sure if he will have fur, or not, propably not, fur is to cute. And i wanna show that cat's aren't just cute. The alienspecies is not to advanced, but the glorious (mad and crazy) green scientist see so much potential in the natural behavior of this species, to hook em up with the state of the art technology. This species behavior is true to a fearsome hunter, they may not be considert the brigthest, but they excel in instincts, they live to hunt, have no fear and are by nature lonely hunters. Like cat's that like to play with their food, yes, enemy soldiers are basicly that to them.
I'm not to sure about the gear, i know that the character will be a great master of swords, build-in in his armor, guns for sure, propably something big, but accurate. One thing that i want to include for sure is tools, i'm talking about normal tools, like hammers, pliers and stuff like that, propably sci-fied-up, but you get the idea. The idea behind that is that cats like to play, with their prey, and while playing, lets torture out some information about the target that need assinated.
Anyway, propably talked way to much and should come up with a propper concept, half of you will propably not even read the whole crap

i think you're on the right track with the basic idea here--cats definitely, in their nature, aren't cute, however graceful they may be... and if you capture that with your character, it should turn out pretty well. glad to see you posting some drawing--all the more for the difficulty of capturing it, and granted that you haven't drawn in so long... so welcome back to the fold on that count, too
like i've been saying to others, at this stage i think you'll be best served by quick thumbnails working out different elements, particularly gear and the like. in this case, i think you're pretty well decided on her general shape, which is cool, so you'll probably also just start sketching her head/face in order to manage the right mix of crazy cat evil that you're shooting for. good luck, and keep us updated!
PS i read it all, too
Thank you very much for your words. Looks like the concept-general becomes a moral-general without his beloved wacom
Waked up, and startet sketching away, i first try to get a feel of the species itself, than the equipment.
some tries to get the feel of him
i think i got the body front view pretty much nailed
crappy sideview
I'm affraid that the bad imagequality scares away the most people, or is it my bad english
Couldnt do anything yesterday, was with a freind Hearst Castle, its right on the highway one in california, Big Sur. If you have the oppurtunity check it out, its worth it, i will go back there, with a digicam
I like your idea, and your anatomy looks nailed, I cant wait to start seeing some armor/tools/weapons. I say you should stay with the body shape you have, it works. Probably should start working on the head, and accesories.
I'm working on the head, but it allways looks way to cute or he smiles, drives me nuts
Accesories are definetly coming after i'm satisfied, or atleast okay