Going for a lich type character but with some 3106 technologically augmented gauntlets/(perhaps boots as well) I am uncertain about his lower half. Probably need to pull some references and come up with a better design.
I want to emphasize the embroidered cloth textures which will make up most of his apparel. So I will most likely focus much of my effort into the texturing processes.
I really like the embroidered cloth style, but if you mix it up a bit with some tech, I think you could have a solid concept.
But hey... I could be wrong. Keep at it.
Appreciate the opinions, guys.
Feeling better about the turbo boots and power gloves. Threw in a weak color scheme for fun.
I am still interested in feedback.
so take your time and suss it out--i know you'll be itching to get to modeling, but it's a little soon for that. spend time getting those shapes and detailing down, and you'll have a very cool entry.
Probably still needs more attention. But this character seems to be coming together nicely.
Perhaps if you had an idea of what his overal funciton was, that would push the design also.