I have no idea where i'm going with these, and i hope i get a sudden burst of inspiration at some point. In the mean time i'll flesh these out some more.
The nessie-like thing sucks, i know.
Jack: Marine pointed out that it looked like that, yeah. I'll definately go into that one a bit further and refine it. I'm thinking something along the lines of a hammerhead. The weapons goes into that hole in the middle of his 'head'. It'll function pretty much like the fatty in the next image. Two sacks of chemicals that mix to form an explosive/acid/poison, whatever.
I was looking for animals that used that to defend themselves, but so far have only really found a beetle.
I might explore some parasite-related ideas soon (i've been reading up on those a lot recently), allthough i should probably try something high-tech, since i have very little of that going on.
ahahha... oh, Pea. you've been hanging around those fancypants illustration-type forums for a long while, haven't you? i can tell in how nicely you put together your lines these days. just a touch of mignola, in the best possible way (wouldn't we all love that in our work?)
i'm so used up after today i got a whole lot of nothing to say. but i'll say this: keep sketching and keep working out your creepy dudes and vagina monsters. you're on the right track. i'm definitely watching this thread!
Gauss: i actually hadn't done any linework in over a year, only sketches with big brushes, practicing my values and such, but i can tell my linework got better because of it. I seem to have a better concept of depth now, which is nice.
Thanks for the encouragement, it's definately a good thing, coming from you.
As for the fatty, at first i didn't think it would be stealthy enough, but then i thought about making his spray a psychoactive chemical warfare kind of thing, to make surrounders believe he's 'one of them'. Any links to actual animals/insects that do this would be appreciated. Isn't there a type of bee or wasp that does something similar?
edit: something i found while googling that has absolutely nothing to do with the dominance war:
I like the first concept on the left, he's got that weird slenderness and thin frame that can develop into a creative "shadow" assasin or whatnot.
Seriously though, good start.
I was looking for animals that used that to defend themselves, but so far have only really found a beetle.
I might explore some parasite-related ideas soon (i've been reading up on those a lot recently), allthough i should probably try something high-tech, since i have very little of that going on.
i'm so used up after today i got a whole lot of nothing to say. but i'll say this: keep sketching and keep working out your creepy dudes and vagina monsters. you're on the right track.
Thanks for the encouragement, it's definately a good thing, coming from you.
As for the fatty, at first i didn't think it would be stealthy enough, but then i thought about making his spray a psychoactive chemical warfare kind of thing, to make surrounders believe he's 'one of them'. Any links to actual animals/insects that do this would be appreciated. Isn't there a type of bee or wasp that does something similar?
edit: something i found while googling that has absolutely nothing to do with the dominance war:
Vagmonsters rule!