Haha, Holy Skanker quit complicating stuff:p The contest is judged on how cool the character is and that he's got what it takes to win the war... If you use too many cyborg parts explain your way out of it with a little backstory... Just make it AWESOME!!! Good seein you at the demo yesterday BTW;)
The Shadow thing is a tad confusing. My interpretation is that we're putting together a repelling force and as such you're pretty open in what kind of warrior you're allowed to choose - Could be a slinky assassin, a weedy little sniper or a great lumbering jugganaut.
We're still the evil side and as such you might want to go through some of the old entries for aspects that you can carry through.
As for the background, consider the fact that Polycount has had free reign of the solar system/galaxy/whatever for 100 years. This, coupled with the somewhat narcisistic fashion that our brief is written in, leads me to think that our people have become decadent and (more) debauched. Personally, I'm looking at inspiration from French nobility (The whole pre-revolution deal. Marie Antoinette etc) and Imperial Rome (Nero and the like), along with fantasy references from the likes of Warhammer 40k's Slaaneshi cult, The Society of Sensation from Planescape, the Cenobites from Hellraiser... you get the idea. Thats what I got from the brief. Hopefully that'll help coalesce some ideas in your head
The outline seems pretty cool to me. It says that Chat/Count/Soc have to be primarily non mechanical.. just primarily. So i think robot arms could be in, just dont make it like it shouldn't fight against 3dtotals stuff. Thats what i got from it anyways. No robot brains may be.
yeah have fun and dont worry too much about the brief :O
I think whats intended is that your character should be some kind of 'special forces' unit. First line of attack - perhaps covert, or whatever tactics would assist your forces. So this guy isnt a grunt, he' could be your Sam Fisher, Grimer Worm Tongue or even a Black Flag Commando.
I got the impression that this first line is meant to be a devastating monstrosity, so that's kinda what I'm going for. I am drawing some inspiration from Starship troopers, Aaron St. goddard, some Id stuff, and some pure mechanicals.
Yeah, i'm not going to worry too much. Although some people might have concerns with what the judges are told.. Last year i was railed by a judge heavily for "failing to convey 'futuristic'" even though it wasn't part of the actual requirements and modeling_man got 5th place and his was even less futuristic than mine. So anybody who want to play inside the lines might want to know what to expect in terms of judging. This year i'm goign to play it a bit safer and push the futuristic thing just to make sure, bu ti dont want to be railed again for having a mechanical hand .
not sure where you got the monstrosities theme from. This comp is primarily for covert ops units. anything that can kill something quickly without drawing too much attention to it is ok. If you make a 10 meter monster that charges towards its targets like godzilla in new york... then we have a problem
I'm pretty sure Rambo would qualify for the brief too guys.
He's not too silent, but he certainly penetrates, assassinates, and destroys any forms of resistance while at the same time, secure an opens for the gathering fleets.
well, it's a given that 'make it awesome' is aprt of it, but I'd hate to work on something and have it be ruled out because I gave it something that was 'clearly' against the rules.
Not asking for strict direction, just a clearer explanation of what we can and can't do.
I think I have a general understanding, but I'm just making sure others don't go off on a tangent without the proper information.
my understanding is that the Shadow should be able to cause devastating amounts of damage. This doesn't necessarily mean that he can plough down a hundred people in a few steps (though it IS an option). however, another option is a Covert-Ops character who causes damage in terms of sabotage, or assasination... ie: sabotaging a head-computer could do just as much damage as destroying a cohort. Both result in an "opening" being formed, and so both SHOULD be acceptable...
This comp is primarily for covert ops units. anything that can kill something quickly without drawing too much attention to it is ok. If you make a 10 meter monster that charges towards its targets like godzilla in new york... then we have a problem
I'm glad you asked the question Skanker, because I don't want to get started on something only to find out the vague description, wasn't described as vaguely to the judges and entries get tossed out because 90 foot hulking organic masses aren't allowed. I honestly think the super sneaky ninja assassin is played out and I'm not excited to make a bald ninja with an eye scar and a half face mask...
What the judges will say: "I'm sorry the answer we where looking for was peanut butter... pea-nut butt-er"
Vig: he pulled the quote from Fred's post in this thread, you knob
my two bits: unified art direction is a bad idea for a lot of reasons, as is getting too much into the specifics of what the brief is about.
it's just not a winning strategy.
look at all the entries that follow the letter (and much of the spirit) of the brief from last year: most of them are buried in the middle of the pack. mostly forgettable.
on the other hand, look at the winning entries: both rockstar and spacemonkey turn in entries that stretch the conception of "general" in their own ways. yes, Beef fits pretty well, but even there kite is stretching with the inclusion of the mech (notice that vehicles are outlawed this year!) because he knew he needed that extra something. Spacemonkey's general is pretty much a cyberdemon, and yet he nabbed third.
so i think it's clear that an imaginative take on the brief helps. and the pitfalls of a unified art direction, however tempting it may seem in theory, in practice should also be clear: if everyone was pulling iD software style antics on their characters, General Corum might not have stood out quite as well, or worse yet, rockstar might have felt the need to alter his style to fit some team style, despite it not being the best for him personally.
the team aspect is justified well enough by nearly unified color schemes (most pcounter designs last year used green somehow, cgchat = red and gold, etc.), while still giving people more than enough room to show their best.
well, again, maybe I asked the wrong thing. I'm not looking for 'art direction' as much as I'm looking for 'guidelines'.
Essentially, what will cause me from 'losing points'.
Fred's post in here is more informative than anything at the DM site. Perhaps that should be posted there instead of in here.
PeterK thought that a monstrosity is what was being sought, but we now see that Fred shot that down. It's good this came up because that had the potential of being time wasted.
So, how about powersuits/powerarmor?
To tell you the truth, I didn't see Fred's post last night either for some reason, and I posted not long after he made his post.
The contest sounded like it was about the first wave of grunts, when I think grunt, I think baseline trooper, not covert ops. is this incorrect?
"Shadows," will penetrate, assassinate, and destroy any forms of resistance while at the same time, secure an opening for their team's gathering fleets. It is through these Shadows that a new power shall attain dominance in an epic battle that would later become known as...
Penetration in the sense of "let me sneak in like a bitch", or "let me plow through like a juggernaught" ?
PeterK --> Yeah, I can see how you would think this, but then later down the page under entry specifics, a list is given that clearly cancels grunts out. The list only uses words that describes a highly skilled covert ops unit.
I get the feeling sneak in like a bitch. Juggernaught's would be part of the coming wave. Hold onto that idea you might be able to use it next year. This year is about highly specialized units, yes jugernaught is a specialized unit but not a covert op kind of guy. If you can figure out a way for one to be covert I guess you're in like flynn, but you have to be damn good to pull that shit off.
For some reason this quote comes to mind:[ QUOTE ]
Barbossa: you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not. And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. Welcome aboard.
[/ QUOTE ]
We be pirates here mr peter. Bendin' the rules is what we does best. (just don't make a lame entry because the "push the envelope" door swings both ways)
I think I'm still able to salvage 60% of my original idea. Although given the fact that I grew quite attached to it over the last month while I waited it's sad that I can't use it to its full extent. I'm glad I didn't do anything other than flesh out a few quick sketches.
I think both covert ops and juggernauts fit the description. Why does it have to be one or the other? The juggernaut seems apt to "destroy any forms of resistance" while the covert ops focuses more on the stealthy assassinations.
They both do the job.
Shadows can be hidden in the corners, or all encompassing. Penetration can be through clever tactics or sheer strength. Assassination doesn't have to be quiet.
Shadows! Do not stop after tearing them apart. Do not stop after killing their spirits. Stop only after every last one of them has begged for forgiveness in wasting our precious time to crush them ALL! Now GO! Kill them! Destroy their fleets, generals, and leaders..
[/ QUOTE ]
Destroy their fleets? Sounds like a job for the juggernaut... bitch.
That's exactly how I read it. It seems they're special forces more than ninjas. It makes sense to be stealthy, but unless fred corrects me I don't think slightly more aggressive tactics would be ruled out.
I don't really think you have to make the character stealthy. As long as something or someone vital and strategic is completely unusable afterwards, and the Shadow gets away before any reinforcements arrive.
If that means punching through doors in a blitz on an HQ, what's wrong with that?
I'd like that point clarified- I'd like to do a blitzy surgical strike type character but I dont want to get marked down because theres no silencer on his gun and he's not painted black
where is the line FredH?
If that means punching through doors in a blitz on an HQ, what's wrong with that?
[/ QUOTE ]
I think he/she would need some stealth capability (getting to the enemy without being destroyed by their artillery would probably help) but otherwise that's exactly what i was thinking.
Edit: From Fredh's cgchat thread
My thoughts on how to attain victory:
- A cool weapon is almost more important than the character herself.
- stealthy looking is a must and she must have very
advanced (almost magical looking) tech.
I agree with the Stealth ideology. Here's exactly what we need: Entry Details:
- Create a "Shadow" with one or more of these proficiencies: (these are only a few of many other possibilities)
Penetration, Assassination, Recovering, Demolishing, Sharp Shooting, Hand to Hand Combat Specialist, Stealth, Spying, Deception, Searching, Tactician, Weapon Specialist, Defender, Navigation Specialist, Space Combat Specialist, etc.
I would go for Hand-to-Hand, Deception and Stealth. But, you can choose whatever you want from that list (that i clipped from the website, for those who don't recognize it)
So the bottom line is: the char should pass as a Shadow, and be a battle specialist. We should really choose different traits for our Shadows, but keep in mind! We are Evil and Arrogant! We won the previous war (i was not even born then), thanks to the genious tactics of our War Generals, and i feel that we should pay homage to them, since they are the heroes of the past. Let us make this fluffy! Let us win, for POLYCOUNT!
Well damn, my thoughts on the description were anything you could use to kill targets, aside from the use of the word "shadow". I think the confusion in this thread alone warrants that FredH post on the official DW2 site that this contest is for, in big letters "COVERT OPS CHARACTERS".
Hmm yeah, I'm getting some mixed messages here, Fred... you keep emphasising "stealth", yet say that a Gears of War character is acceptable ... I always lumped them in with the all-out beserker grunt attack squad, not really a stealthy assassin-type thing that you seem to be limiting the entries to judging by what you've typed on this forum.
I think keeping it slightly broader (ie. anything from a thin, dark, ninja assassin type to a full-on Gears-style character) is much better than trying to limit everyone to a very strict brief.
Obviously stuff like a crazy alien cyber-hulk on steroids is going too far, but I think the range should still be fairly broad.
I asked a question about spy character who seemingly doesn't belong to any of the forces, yet spies for us, and although Fred gave suggestion to go with some character with a gun, the final word was that as long as this character doesn't have over 20% cybernetics I should be fine. So I'm still thinking of it, and now I'm not sure if it's a consensus that there's preference for attacking type units with weapons, or perhaps we can go with almost anything (well, at least having the character somehow work on our side in the war) that is less than 1/5 machine?
if i take a huge brute, and give all kinds of big weapons... he's not covert-ops... vut if i add a sniper rifle to his armoury; he becomes a sharp-shooter. Right?
so is "huge brute wit a sniper rifle" good 2 go?
EDIT: after seeing other threads... i've noticed that not too many ppl are avoided the 'brute.' and they don't even care about it! i think we're worrying too much?
plus, even at CGChat they have ppl wit huge guns (not very covert-ops) and nobody is stopping any1... so: i think we're worrying too much.
and ur enjoying this arent ya fred? causing chaos among the enemy lines so that they won't be prepared when u strike? lol...
"Yeah, i'm not going to worry too much. Although some people might have concerns with what the judges are told.. Last year i was railed by a judge heavily for "failing to convey 'futuristic'" even though it wasn't part of the actual requirements and modeling_man got 5th place and his was even less futuristic than mine. So anybody who want to play inside the lines might want to know what to expect in terms of judging. This year i'm goign to play it a bit safer and push the futuristic thing just to make sure, bu ti dont want to be railed again for having a mechanical hand."
I hear you on this rv_el, I too had my piece deemed "not-futuristic-enough" and "too fantasy". I guess more glowly bits, and armor is what some expect. However, Cgsociety is now making the ancient race. So I'm not sure if they should have less sci-fi stuff.
We're still the evil side and as such you might want to go through some of the old entries for aspects that you can carry through.
As for the background, consider the fact that Polycount has had free reign of the solar system/galaxy/whatever for 100 years. This, coupled with the somewhat narcisistic fashion that our brief is written in, leads me to think that our people have become decadent and (more) debauched. Personally, I'm looking at inspiration from French nobility (The whole pre-revolution deal. Marie Antoinette etc) and Imperial Rome (Nero and the like), along with fantasy references from the likes of Warhammer 40k's Slaaneshi cult, The Society of Sensation from Planescape, the Cenobites from Hellraiser... you get the idea. Thats what I got from the brief. Hopefully that'll help coalesce some ideas in your head
I think whats intended is that your character should be some kind of 'special forces' unit. First line of attack - perhaps covert, or whatever tactics would assist your forces. So this guy isnt a grunt, he' could be your Sam Fisher, Grimer Worm Tongue or even a Black Flag Commando.
Other than that, just make sure your character doesn't easily fall in with ancient or mechanical, and is clearly evil and arrogant.
Cues abound everywhere in the brief
He's not too silent, but he certainly penetrates, assassinates, and destroys any forms of resistance while at the same time, secure an opens for the gathering fleets.
Not asking for strict direction, just a clearer explanation of what we can and can't do.
I think I have a general understanding, but I'm just making sure others don't go off on a tangent without the proper information.
that's my interpretation...
This comp is primarily for covert ops units. anything that can kill something quickly without drawing too much attention to it is ok. If you make a 10 meter monster that charges towards its targets like godzilla in new york... then we have a problem
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm glad you asked the question Skanker, because I don't want to get started on something only to find out the vague description, wasn't described as vaguely to the judges and entries get tossed out because 90 foot hulking organic masses aren't allowed. I honestly think the super sneaky ninja assassin is played out and I'm not excited to make a bald ninja with an eye scar and a half face mask...
What the judges will say: "I'm sorry the answer we where looking for was peanut butter... pea-nut butt-er"
my two bits: unified art direction is a bad idea for a lot of reasons, as is getting too much into the specifics of what the brief is about.
it's just not a winning strategy.
look at all the entries that follow the letter (and much of the spirit) of the brief from last year: most of them are buried in the middle of the pack. mostly forgettable.
on the other hand, look at the winning entries: both rockstar and spacemonkey turn in entries that stretch the conception of "general" in their own ways. yes, Beef fits pretty well, but even there kite is stretching with the inclusion of the mech (notice that vehicles are outlawed this year!) because he knew he needed that extra something. Spacemonkey's general is pretty much a cyberdemon, and yet he nabbed third.
so i think it's clear that an imaginative take on the brief helps. and the pitfalls of a unified art direction, however tempting it may seem in theory, in practice should also be clear: if everyone was pulling iD software style antics on their characters, General Corum might not have stood out quite as well, or worse yet, rockstar might have felt the need to alter his style to fit some team style, despite it not being the best for him personally.
the team aspect is justified well enough by nearly unified color schemes (most pcounter designs last year used green somehow, cgchat = red and gold, etc.), while still giving people more than enough room to show their best.
Vig: he pulled the quote from Fred's post in this thread, you knob
[/ QUOTE ]
BWHAHAHAaa, I see fred's avatar and think Casey Jones. sigh... I really should stop myself from posting when I first get up.
Essentially, what will cause me from 'losing points'.
Fred's post in here is more informative than anything at the DM site. Perhaps that should be posted there instead of in here.
PeterK thought that a monstrosity is what was being sought, but we now see that Fred shot that down. It's good this came up because that had the potential of being time wasted.
So, how about powersuits/powerarmor?
To tell you the truth, I didn't see Fred's post last night either for some reason, and I posted not long after he made his post.
"Shadows," will penetrate, assassinate, and destroy any forms of resistance while at the same time, secure an opening for their team's gathering fleets. It is through these Shadows that a new power shall attain dominance in an epic battle that would later become known as...
Penetration in the sense of "let me sneak in like a bitch", or "let me plow through like a juggernaught" ?
For some reason this quote comes to mind:[ QUOTE ]
Barbossa: you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not. And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. Welcome aboard.
[/ QUOTE ]
We be pirates here mr peter. Bendin' the rules is what we does best. (just don't make a lame entry because the "push the envelope" door swings both ways)
I think I'm still able to salvage 60% of my original idea. Although given the fact that I grew quite attached to it over the last month while I waited it's sad that I can't use it to its full extent. I'm glad I didn't do anything other than flesh out a few quick sketches.
They both do the job.
Shadows can be hidden in the corners, or all encompassing. Penetration can be through clever tactics or sheer strength. Assassination doesn't have to be quiet.
Shadows! Do not stop after tearing them apart. Do not stop after killing their spirits. Stop only after every last one of them has begged for forgiveness in wasting our precious time to crush them ALL! Now GO! Kill them! Destroy their fleets, generals, and leaders..
[/ QUOTE ]
Destroy their fleets? Sounds like a job for the juggernaut... bitch.
If that means punching through doors in a blitz on an HQ, what's wrong with that?
where is the line FredH?
If that means punching through doors in a blitz on an HQ, what's wrong with that?
[/ QUOTE ]
I think he/she would need some stealth capability (getting to the enemy without being destroyed by their artillery would probably help) but otherwise that's exactly what i was thinking.
Edit: From Fredh's cgchat thread
My thoughts on how to attain victory:
- A cool weapon is almost more important than the character herself.
- stealthy looking is a must and she must have very
advanced (almost magical looking) tech.
[/ QUOTE ]
- Create a "Shadow" with one or more of these proficiencies: (these are only a few of many other possibilities)
Penetration, Assassination, Recovering, Demolishing, Sharp Shooting, Hand to Hand Combat Specialist, Stealth, Spying, Deception, Searching, Tactician, Weapon Specialist, Defender, Navigation Specialist, Space Combat Specialist, etc.
I would go for Hand-to-Hand, Deception and Stealth. But, you can choose whatever you want from that list (that i clipped from the website, for those who don't recognize it)
So the bottom line is: the char should pass as a Shadow, and be a battle specialist. We should really choose different traits for our Shadows, but keep in mind! We are Evil and Arrogant! We won the previous war (i was not even born then), thanks to the genious tactics of our War Generals, and i feel that we should pay homage to them, since they are the heroes of the past. Let us make this fluffy! Let us win, for POLYCOUNT!
BWHAHAHAaa, I see fred's avatar and think Casey Jones. sigh... I really should stop myself from posting when I first get up.
[/ QUOTE ]
So... You're saying you take no heed to my posts?
Vig --> You and me both. I see casey's avatar, and it feels like I already replied. But then I see the green face...
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry for the confusion, I may change my avatar soon.
Big Bads are just as in as skinny bads. Hope this answers your question
Meaning, yes, you can make a big beefed up armor plated character on steroids. For instance, a character from Gears of War is perfectly acceptable.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think keeping it slightly broader (ie. anything from a thin, dark, ninja assassin type to a full-on Gears-style character) is much better than trying to limit everyone to a very strict brief.
Obviously stuff like a crazy alien cyber-hulk on steroids is going too far, but I think the range should still be fairly broad.
if i take a huge brute, and give all kinds of big weapons... he's not covert-ops... vut if i add a sniper rifle to his armoury; he becomes a sharp-shooter. Right?
so is "huge brute wit a sniper rifle" good 2 go?
EDIT: after seeing other threads... i've noticed that not too many ppl are avoided the 'brute.' and they don't even care about it! i think we're worrying too much?
plus, even at CGChat they have ppl wit huge guns (not very covert-ops) and nobody is stopping any1... so: i think we're worrying too much.
and ur enjoying this arent ya fred?
I hear you on this rv_el, I too had my piece deemed "not-futuristic-enough" and "too fantasy". I guess more glowly bits, and armor is what some expect. However, Cgsociety is now making the ancient race. So I'm not sure if they should have less sci-fi stuff.