im not the most creative soul to be found on these here boards.. but here is Bob

Basicly a futuristic Green Baret, with a wee bit of gadgets on his face. The eyeglass thingy which connects to his ear, enables him to receive mission briefing as well as increase his hearing, the glass can zoom in and has a crosshair, so it sports accuracy. The metal mask thing can adjust his voice volume as well as adjust his smelling sense
Im gonna give him GoW-ish proportions.. bulkyness!

He was only 7 years old when he witnessed his father and mother getting murdered by CGChatters. He swore revenge against his parents' assassinators. He spend 21 years of his life training, honing his skillz. At the age of 25 he was known as the most vicious assassin on the planet Poly.
Now, a second war is arising. This patriotic super soldier is not letting this chance go by to search for the assassins for parents and defend his motherland.
anyone got a name suggestion for him?
basic description of his suit:
neck is surrounded in a cushion so that it will be hard to just cut his neck.
shoulderpads, cuz they look cool.. same goes for the chestplates and abplates.
His right arm is covered in bandage rather than armor, this does not offer allot of protection however, this is his gun wielding hand, his index, thumb and middle finger tops are uncovered so he can easily use that hand for practical stuff (unzipping stuff/feel stuff/Pick nose)
His left arm on the other hand has a fore-arm protector that he uses as a shield in close combat.
His utility belt has a few mystery pockets, a gun (drawing that later) and a cyber uber ninja sword.
The thighpads protect his tighs.. seeing as a hit there could paralyze his leg.
Your casual camo, medium baggy, pants.
segmented boots for flexibilty but for a hard kick in yo ass.
He has a slim yet muscular figure which fools many into thinking he is slow and sluggish.
it's good to work up an interesting story and details for your character... but without those explanations, how well does the character design stand up by itself?
take away your descriptions, and you've got a pretty generic looking big-armor type guy, completely interchangeable with a character from Unreal Tournament, or Q3, or any number of other games. that's not going to be winning you any contests, now is it?
dont go with the obvious choice when you're designing specific elements. whether it's the eyepiece, the armor, the gun, the whatever--whatever you draw first you should probably not use. why? because it's probably just you, regurgitating a design you've already seen. and like you describe your guy as sort of like GoW, why would i want to look at your guy if the same guy has already been designed, but better? take some time to sketch--lay off of your storymaking and detail stuff, all that can come later--right now you need to come up with interesting details on a visual level. try to come up with shapes, with surfaces, with tech details that you haven't already seen before. it'll end up being more fun for you and a whole lot more fun for people looking at your art.
XD.. my name isn't bob, its my characters name..
acid spraying nipples!
Help me pick! The Clock is burnin'!
Some thoughts would be nice.. i wanna start modeling this weekend but concepting isn't my strong side.. and i dont know anyone who would want to concept for me =(
he's a ninja/archer/stealthy
Plan on giving him some tribal metal armor
Some replies would be nice =/
I got a pose i like and that fits him.
He is a fast in-out guy.. prolly like a ninja.
Meh gotta think of how to armor him
Im thinking of metal/bone armor a la HR Giger
or maybe not =/.. lol
His melee weapon is something similiar to brass knuckles except for its a poisoned blade. Poison coming straight outta his mouth =P..
heh.. i thought the right fore-arm protector could double as a slingshot XD.. but thats silly
The wings are artificial, i want to keep him clean because he is more of an "Swoof-what-was-that?!" guy rather than "CHAARGE!!" guy.
improving is sight/smell/hearing