Ok heres what im going with, gonna update this top post from now on.
here's my story so far:
(bits borrowed from historical articles.)
Khaganate of the Crimean's
The Crimean steppe, home to various nomadic tribes, is a rugged landscape plagued by unforgiving climate. Barren and bleak lands with little support for life. This is the land of the warrior nomads known as the Crimean.
When coming of age, according to Crimean tradition Khaganate was presented by his father the favored weapons of his kind, marksmen's sidearms handed down through generations in the family.
As with all other adults of his people he was told there would be nothing inherited to him, that he should make his wealth and reputation with the tools presented to him.
Like many of his peer's Khaganate joined The Crimean guard, a long living tradition of his people. The guard acts as an elite mercenary bodyguard, transcending borders and swear allegiance to whichever ruler pays more. Khaganate's oath was given to Nicoferus of Khitan, ruler of an old and decadent empire.
Unlike the empires own guard, the Crimean guards' loyalties lay with the position of Emperor, not the man sitting on the throne. Lured away, Khaganates' guard failed to protect Emperor Nicoferus, who was swiftly assassinated by an usurper. A servant had managed to call for the guard while the Emperor was being attacked, when they arrived at the scene they saw him lying dead with the perpetrator standing besides him. They immediately knelt before his murderer and hailed him as Emperor. Alive they would have defended him to the last breath, dead there was no point in avenging him. They had a new master now.
Standing beside his new despot Khaganate shows the marks of countless engagements. For his new master is a ruthless one, numerous attempts to remove him from the throne has been made. The last of his company he is stalwartly protecting his ruler to this day following every one of his grim orders. Being virtually blind and unable to talk from injuries, he has developed awareness of his surroundings through other means. Some claim he has inner sight, yet others say he aims on intuition.
Whichever way, his shot's continue to find their mark.
Gonna build him from the skin up, his gonna have 4 layers: skin, clothes, armor, and carriage vest.

let's see some thumbnails!
you've got a fairly impressive portfolio on your site and the concept work especially completely precludes you from making excuses about not having concepts up. i like your armor/mechanical concepts especially... and while team polycount might not be allowed to rock the pure mechanicals this round, you can still come up with something nice and powersuit-y if you like, which is always one of the most rewarding subjects. lots of techhy bits and a human (or alien) head to top it off, what's not to love?
get to it!
Post them purty pictures, I know you're hugging something!
Got a back story for him as well, i will post that and my anatomy sketches after work.
I think he is a bit too fat for some cool dual pistol action
he has an awesome suit and i really like that helmet...
Awesome head in the bottom right corner, nelis!
Do you have a scanner ready for use yet?
Davision3D: One can never be too fat for dual pistol action
great start!
I think he is a bit too fat for some cool dual pistol action
[/ QUOTE ]
I like the bulky look a lot actually
Rooster: thanks! yeah its all about the gear