you can use a variety of free image hosting solutions if you need to get a pic uploaded. imageshack, for starters, or flicker, or, or, or... just google "free image hosting" and away you go.
use sliber...
u can download the freeware at, and its real easy to use.
the image hosting site of the ware is u can host from there too, but sliber makes it faster to screen capture and then with one click, it'll host the image and provide u with a direct link to the image.
after going to the 'diret link', just click on "get links" and and look for a box called "Thumb Forum". copy the box next to it and paste it in ur post for a thumbnail linked to ur image:
hehe gl man!
u can download the freeware at, and its real easy to use.
the image hosting site of the ware is u can host from there too, but sliber makes it faster to screen capture and then with one click, it'll host the image and provide u with a direct link to the image.
after going to the 'diret link', just click on "get links" and and look for a box called "Thumb Forum". copy the box next to it and paste it in ur post for a thumbnail linked to ur image:
This is what i got so far. Will post again tonight.
16.00 in Sweden right now