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Dominance war II - Slash

polycounter lvl 19
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Slash polycounter lvl 19
Just reserving my space here, and posting a preliminary concept.

Her codename is "hel", and her speciality is infiltration, espionage, sabotage and assassination. She is also a top trained elite military officer, so she's able to handle any weapon or vehicle, and is a master of hand to hand combat. Her power suit and jetpack allows her to move quickly around the battlefield, or while infiltrating an enemy facility.

She is also frequently deployed to hunt down and slay traitors, and she's got a few important targets to take down in this war!




  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    a little update. Not sure if i'm gonna model her face, but i'm considering it. (atleast that way it wont look like i avoid doing a face cuz i cant do them.)

    Her firearm is an experimental weapon from the very same research facilities that blew up. It looks much like a classical ancient six-shooter, but it works more like a railgun, shooting plasma slugs instead of bullets. More on this later. The hilt of her energy sword can be attached to the gun, and along with a scope and a stock it greatly increases presicion. The energy sword is also a highly effective bayonette while attached to the gun.

  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Looking cool man! Maybe a bit busy though. It might be cool to try unifying the details a bit, although I think the overall look is already pretty consistant.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Cool concept Slash, although a few things kinda bug me about it. First, like I said on irc, is that it could just as well be a cyborg or robot as a human when the mask is down.

    In addition to that, the gun looks very unimpressive, and I don't like the weird green hoses coming out of the side of the faceplate and the belt. I know it's the PC color, but glowing neon goo tubes are so... "I'm putting this here because I have no idea what else to do and this glows so it must be good"

    Some cool PC green body armor decals or stripes would look way better imo.

    Cool start, now lets see some expanded concepts. smile.gif
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Thanks for the crits ninjas & dfacto, i've tried to incorporate some of them in this iteration. I also felt like the high heels needed to go, they might look cool, but they wouldnt be practical for a spec ops unit.

    Havent touched the gun yet. I see what you mean about uninmpressive, i'll try to change that. I kinda like the idea of an oversized magnum, but i'll try different variations, and guns inspired by different stuff.

  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    looks like something out of hellgate london. neat smile.gif
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    very cool stuff, slash. you've been working hard at honing your skills, i think that much is obvious... she's well developed, but from here on out i think you need to do some work in refining her armor's form language and making it more consistent overall. do that, and concentrate on getting a few more elements that have a more immediate interest and appeal, and you'll have a very, very solid entry indeed.
    what i'm liking the most is the visor/chestplate wedge shape. without getting into andrew jones/chozo territory, that might be something to seize upon as a shape to integrate more fully throughout the design.
    watch out for lazy design cues, though! overlapping plates on her forearms, the ribs+mesh sort of detailing on her thighs... it's not bad, but it's not great, either. you need to push yourself beyond the kind of designs you know you'd expect to see--right now she's really got kind of a Predator-type vibe going on, and i don't exactly mean that as a compliment. i'm a firm believer that when design elements look too familiar, the brain just shuts off and the viewer stops caring. so try to push yourself to get some interesting, more novel forms in her armor. getting yourself a bolder/more unusual coloration scheme will likely help out, too...
    i know i've seen you post plenty over at CA.org, so let's see you apply all that fancypants design and composition stuff you learned over there! smile.gif
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Thanks for the crits gauss, you'll win this war for us singlehandedly the way you're cracking that whip! I've tried to incorporate some of your suggestions into my next iteration. I'm not quite there yet.. still gotta try more stuff.. I think my main problem is that i've added too much suck and not enough awesome.. a common rookie mistake.


    //edit: still clueless about the colors.. suggestions would be cool.
    //edit2: I'm thinking about bringing back the high heels.. ffs, the point is to make her look cool, not realistic. thoughts?
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Ok i'm bumping this cuz obviously i'm stupid or something.. how do i submit the thumbnail and link to make my entry show up here?

  • indian_boy
    choose "join now" at the top... then follow instructions...
    u need to be logged in wit 'remember me' at gameartisans.org for it to work by the way
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    I did that, and i think i did it right.. but it says

    "You are currently not officially in the competition. Please submit a title, a url, and an initial thumbnail to get started."

    Even tho i did those things.
  • Dr_Graevling
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    Dr_Graevling polycounter lvl 11
    Don't worry, they just need to evaluate your entry. Then they'll send you a thirty-page form you need to fill out in three copies and send back. Then they need to evaluate those. wink.gif

    Or maybe not. But your concept's really shaping up and becoming something totally awesome. This makes me realize I should probably push my own stuff even more.
  • indian_boy
    just wait until the thumbnail is approved... it probably says "pending" under the thumb?
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Concept's shaping up, but I wanted to overpaint one error you've got in there that's bugging me.

    The green stripe on the head is out of perspective, so paint it more towards the left to straighten it out.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    Interesting concept, just be careful with this, as it's looking overly mechanical for our side. :/
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Yea, i've been pondering on how i could show her human side. (or humanoid at any rate.)

    I remembered a paul richard sketch with some space chick having her boobs showing through these silly glass bulbs, and i started doodling.. I know its silly and i probably wont go that way, but i dunno, there's something appealing about that..

    ok here's the sillyness:

    And yes dfacto i dont know why i havent fixed that helmet yet, even tho atleast five different people have mentioned it.. i'll get right on it.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    ok one more bump before bed.

    Been working on the boots mainly. High heels rawk. I've also started thinking about her jetpack a little.


    //EDIT: ITS NOT A DUDE! ITS A CHICK! just for the record..
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    great stuff! but i think his weak spot would be his belly, maybe add a little armour there too? but that might make him a bit too mecha.. laugh.gif
    keep it up
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    ManBoobs laugh.gif

    Hope your highpoly skills are upta slashypoos bestest, cos there's plenty of details here that are gonna rely on the normal it's just silly!

    I really dig the design though :]
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    noooooo, you got rid of the glass breast cases. Those were classy.

    I'd like to see something in her proportions that makes her stand out from an ordinary person... right now theres not a whole lot distinguishing her silhouette from many others that have come before. Granted, all the parts contained therein are cool looking, but I think something that will make her pop at a distance would go a long way.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah, sorry sec, those just had to go. ..for now. My main gripe right now is, as you mentioned, to get an interesting silhouette going.

    Bladder, sure, i'll bring my A game to this, worry not.

    Japhir, that stuff on HER belly is some sort of protective fabric, like futuristic evil kevlar or something. And as you said, adding even more armor would make her even more robotic.

    I've decided to let the concept rest for a while, i'm gonna model up a base mesh and try out some stuff in 3d before returning to the concept. I got her proportions down more or less, nice and idealized, as would be becoming of a video game heroine.

  • fuxer
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    fuxer polycounter lvl 18
    head looks too small smile.gif
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    You know what? you have a point fuxer.

    Ok, here, i just had to:


    The pink stuff is just a little helper for myself to identify stuff.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    good stuff man, very good development. you know i think to really help her chances of success, i think you should model her face and have most of the renders of her with the visor up--otherwise, there's not quite enough for the viewer to connect with in a strong fashion. if she's got an evil or seductive look about her face and the viewer gets roped in there, well then there's an entry point for us to enjoy how much you've refined her armor design.
    good looking ortho too, by the way. looking forward to the modeling, which you look like you're very ready to begin.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    You're right gauss, she's gotta have a face. I have a cool idea on how the visor is supposed to open up too, sliding the bottom halves to the sides and back, and the top/front part opens upwards.

    Anyways, i started blocking out her basics. Still have over 3k polies to play with, so i'm gonna have me some fun! laugh.gif

  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    want see more.. it´s comming along nicely smile.gif
  • peppi
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    peppi polycounter lvl 18
    I really dig the concept.. the transparent wonderbra and high heels are wonderful ideas. The model looks great too, though there seems to be something up with the legs right now - the knees might be a bit too low perhaps?
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    peppi might be on to something, the knees might need bringing up just a bit. and if you're so keen on playing with all those 3k polys left, where is our update? laugh.gif c'mon Slash, you're now legally required to finish this entry on time. it's written in a contract, i had you sign. yes, you were drunk. yes, that one time.
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