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Dominance War II - RazorBladder

polycounter lvl 18
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RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
March 1st

Been a while and unfortunately work & social-life take priority. Here's an update on the head, I should be able to pimp a WIP of the body tomorrow.
I've got the ears, eyes and some further defining features to do then I'm calling it done for now.


Feb 17th

A quick 30 minute start on mudboxing the head. Lotta work to do but I like the direction that it's going.


Feb 15th


Here's a possible progression for the top left concept, a bit more of a "don't fuck with me" vibe I think.
The skull variant of KP's greentooth most likely won't be staying but I thought it was a fun idea.

I'm thinking of a really intricate, large gothic dagger would work with this guy, he's particularly hyper-active and frantically stabbin his victim in a frenzy seems to suit him.
Definately not final, just after possible suggestions.

I'll paint a close up of a bust of him holding this dagger I have in mind.

Feb 9th

The start of coloured/detailed concepts.


As a means of getting used to a wacom again more than anything, I thought I'd go ahead and paint over the silhouettes I currently have.
I've got 2 down so far and they're still WIP, I haven't started 3rd millenium'ising them yet.

Feb 8th

Ok, the concepts come a little later than expected, been doing way too much overtime at my shitty workplace.

Anyhow, I thought I'd pimp off my 4 preliminary silhouettes.


I'm pretty much going for the alien / mutant human type.
I figured since there was such a catastrophe on our planet, it'd make sense if there was the chance of mutation/disfigurment due to all the possible chemicals.

I also wanted to make sure these characters weren't TOO imposing as to appear "GENERAL"-like, as I'm feeling a few of us are creeping too close towards. These are skulky, assassin grunt underlings afterall. Atleast that was my interpretation of the rules.

Feb 2nd

Reserving my spot here, should have a solid 1st draft concept by wednesday at the latest.


  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    BR is gonna love this. :P But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, right? laugh.gif
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    RazorBladder, a trusted gun arm if there ever was around polycount. what kind of ideas are you kicking around for your character? more along the human sort of things, or more alien?
    btw, the thing i love most about being able to do "aliens" is that it's basically tabula rasa to do whatever sort of monsterish, outlandish, or ghoulish creation you can think of. hooray for creative license!
    anyhow, keep your thread updated as you develop your entry, plz kthx smile.gif
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
  • indian_boy
    bottom right one is the best if u ask me. but the head on that one is annoying. and if those are cyborg legs, then make only one mechanic... the other should be flesh.
    and i figure that ur interpretation of the rules is right... i'm trying to keep away from the "General kill-a-lot" look that some entries seem to be having...
    looking forward to some more silhouettes!
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    The legs are organic, I'm just finding it a tad difficult to portray beast hind legs in silhouette.

    A small re-itteration above. I'm currently working on painting over these properly (colour, texture, details etc.)

    More silhouettes later today.
  • maxdamagus
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    maxdamagus polycounter lvl 18
    Yea, know I spoke to you about these already. I'm thinking it might even be worth adding some bulk to the bottom right chappie's right leg to balance it out and give his tentacle thing more swing - can imagine him leaning his weight into it and *thwacking* the crap outta his prey laugh.gif

    s'just a beeyatch making the damn thing even less symmetrical (probably overcomplicating) - sall good, I like what you've got down so far muchly - though I.. I dunno, I kinda get the feeling if the top left guy was on his tippy-toes he'd make a lovely satanic male ballerina.

    I dare say that's just my dodgy imagination.. ;]

    Look forward to seeing more!
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    I like the bottom right one (too).. specifically the tentacle arm.
  • Dread_Reaper
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    Dread_Reaper polygon
    The bottom right one appears to be the most "mutant" like, as it is the most humanoid in my opinion (and yet has enough deformities). The one at the top left seems more "demonic", possibly due the classic Western visual cues (horns, tail). I would really like to see more than silhouette of the bottom right one.

  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    Man those are brilliant so far I love the silhouette paint overs never seen anybody do that with so much detail and the result is very nice !
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    Unfortunately I'm being a bit stupid by painting these in the native resolution, rather than double the res then resizing down.. So I don't have many pixels to work with for sure, but it feels like good oldskool pixel-pushing practise.
    Later today I'll update the image with all 4 painted.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    All talk and no content makes baby FSM cry!
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    i say top left, but give him some more bondage gear and some sort of big gimmick. not that gimmicks necessarily make a winning entry, but they certainly tip the scales on good presentation and design. people should be able to describe your entry and others should be able to know the one--like spacemonkey's is "that huge tentacly thing with the blue glow-y stuff," or rockstar's entry is the "hot chick with the knives and blue glow-y stuff."
    no, i'm not hinting that you need to add blue glow-y stuff to win, but you're going to need some element that gives the character a lot of punch, a lot of impact. i'll leave just what that'll be up to you, but it could be a really interesting accessory or weapon, or some bizarre physiological aspect. good luck!
  • McIlroy
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    McIlroy polycounter lvl 17
    Seriously man you are a contender . Not to put you down but these guys you have concepted , while artistically very appealing they look more like pawns then kings or queens ! Do you get what I mean ? I think you can step it up a notch and make something that looks like it can wipe out the other competitors !
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I guess I'm putting too much modesty into it, since these shadows are indeed pawns as far as I understood it and not generals/rulers, but then if I stick too much to this, I'm gonna end up having a weak entry in comparison to everyone's suped up galaxy destroyers.

    You're absolutely right though, thus far they are a touch or 3 too bland. So I'm sitting down and taking Gauss's suggestions to heart, hopefully I'll have something more iconic by tomorrow smile.gif
  • pimento
    Great concepts razor, i look forward in seeing your progression into this contest.
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    I've updated the first post with a possible progression for the top left concept, a bit more of a don't fuck with me vibe I think.
    I'm thinking of a really intricate, large gothic dagger would work with this guy, he's particularly hyper-active and frantically stabbin his victim in a frenzy seems to suit him.
    Definately not final, just after possible suggestions.

    I'll paint a close up of a bust of him holding this dagger I have in mind.
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    Just thought I'd make a quick bump to let people know I'm still in this.
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