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Russian T34 WW2 battletank hopefully for COH.

polycounter lvl 18
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Bronco polycounter lvl 18
Hi Fellows.

Yes,im acturally posting a pimp *shock*,first time in over a year. blush.gif

Anyway,this is a T34 Russian battletank that I want to try and get into the game Company of Heroes by Relic. For the life of me I can't figure out how there stuff works by looking at the textures,so im just hanging until they have released the model importers and such then make the nessary adjustments to what i have here.

3x 1024 spec,normal,diffuse (body)
3x 256 spec,normal,diffuse (treads)



Note:- body textures on texture sheets are lowered to 512 for easy viewing smile.gif.



  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    The asset right now feels very flat, a couple things that would help this are more variance in the diffuse texture, adding more dirt, scratches, and just overall color shifts in the paint of the tanks.

    The normal details also feel a bit flat. I recommend trying to use crazy bump instead of the nvidia filter, or even better build some highpoly assets to generate your normal maps from.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    agreed in the flatness,

    ATM it's all very uniform. You have dirt on there, but it's the same amount everywhere. Think about where dirt, scratches etc. would actually gather (corners, grooves, hatches, around the treads, etc.) And do another pass putting it in those places.

    Also, what's the second texture for? Is that the tank tread? If so, how is this model going to be seen? Do you really need that much texture space devoted to a repeatable tread? If the scales are the same on the texture sheets, then you've got 2 treads taking up a quarter of the texture space of the rest of the tank. It should be scaled down to match the rest of the tank's pixel density.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    hey man. looks good so far. it's a little under-detailed though. tho whole thing is a little bit flat.. it could really use some gradients to pop the shapes out. there's a lot of subtle, or not so subtle gradients on the coh vehicles to achieve this. it would really help to get some tonal contrast accross the whole thing. it would help to go back and really punch the detail. right now all the small detail is blending into a general noise, and IMO gives the effect of not having much detail at all. try and tell a story with every mark you add. every mark and gouge and stain should suggest an actual event. it ends up making detailing a lot easier.. just think about what would happen to this thing. bullet marks, oil stains, a coating of dust from urban areas, that sort of thing. here's some ref:
    these are old shots.. but still, the detail in them is a lot more expressive.
  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    Cheers for the feedback guys:-

    Tinman:- Ive heard of crazy bump not tried it though,ill give it ago.

    Tumberboy:- The maintextures(body) are scaled down to 512 from 1024 for easyier viewing/loading.The Treads are the size they will finally be,256 smile.gif.Ill upload the full size textures as links when i do another pass making the suggested changes.

    John Warner:- I belive ive fallen into the trap,initially I had all sorts on the diffuse,even some yellows and blues patches and much more grime,but guess what? I didn't like it as I thought id gone too far and ive inevitably gone to far the other way and cancelled out those blues and yellows and much of the grime too. DHO!.

    Anyway,ive given up with making promises and ill no doubt be distracted today and not get round to fixing anything till like next weekend. (way i am these days and it sucks! mad.gif). But hopefully it will be sooner than next year for an update hehe smile.gif.


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