Okay, I'm working on an axe for the Game-Artist challenge, and have come to a realization: I'm not exactly certain how to texture realistic gold.
Would I simply use the same techniques I'd use on steel, but with a slightly desaturated yellow-orange hue? Or what?
it pretty much depends on the purity of the gold.
gold with silver in it will have a less yellow tone, and such.
Quick answer - bung a reflection map on it as well as a specular.
If the engine you are aiming for also has the option for a gloss map, make it quite dark to give you a fairly broad specular highlight, or it might end up looking more like plastic than metal. Some playing around is always necessary, but hopefully this gives you a decent starting point.
I made this with an orange tinted reflection map and a bright specular, didn't touch the diffuse.
used this pic from Dejawolf's link as ref
Aniceto- that looks great with the reflection map, especially the less saturated one.
But very nice references, gold is crap to make it look decent on a non-normal maped model already.
Damn internet with the sarcasm.
(just to clear it out, i agree with you, perhaps a 128 would be the most correct i think
interweb blows to make sarcasm!
Regarding metallic textures, is a spec map different from a gloss map? If so, how do I create a gloss map? I always thought the two were synonymous...
[edit] also spec maps should be 24 bit if your engine can handle it, whereas a glossmap has no need to be more than 8 bit. So you really could just put a gloss map in the spec map's alpha channel.
Crap. So many maps...
Do you know where I can find examples of gloss maps versus spec... and come to think of it, emissive as well. Google isn't being very kind to my queries
Thanks EarthQuake, you rock.