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mudbox stamp tool

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rooster mod
well I dont know if this is a recent bug but I just did some painting with a square brush bitmap as a stamp, and it seems to have caused some pretty dodgy mirroring problems. not noticable till higher subdivision work, but pretty apparent then.. lost a head model to it basically. The man I did recently in PnP was done with the same brush without problems so I wonder if its a new bug?

is there a smart resymm style function in mudbox or do I start again..

edit: it was a default sphere, I wonder if the triangulation of the edges could have anything to do with it? since I guess that wouldnt be mirrored?


  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    nope I'm on a legit copy.. it seems almost like its some small inaccuracy that gradually becomes more apparrent the more you push the mesh around. I was using a stencil with align to stroke, I think I could make out slight differences when making large sweeping strokes on the mesh. maybe the square on my bitmap isnt perfectly centered, I'll try figure it out
  • EarthQuake
    From the layers tab just hit the arrow and select mirror. I dont know what you mean by "smart" resymm, but that will make it symmetrical again.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Smart Resym was just the ZBrush tool name for re-symmetrifying (new word?) unmasked sections of a mesh.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    sweet eq thats just what I meant cheers!

    its definately the stencil not being applied perfectly mirrored, which is annoying but never mind
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    What's the consensus on mudbox 1.0's ability to handle triangles?

    Sorry to be off-topic, I just didn't want to make a new post for this 1 question.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    as far as Ive experienced it, leaving triangles in gives much the same effect as zbrush, can cause pinching that can be negated but its a bit of a pain. or do you mean an entirely triangulated mesh?
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    when you say mirror, do you mean the mirror function or having the tool you are using be mirrored as you work?

    i use the mirror function as i would smart resym in zbrush for symmetrical meshes, i use the flip layer method for non symetrical meshes or mirrors that cross the center line.

    here is a run down of how to mirror your mesh.

    1. set topological axis by selecting 2 polies on opposite sides of the center line,then by selecting the option in the mesh dropdown or hitting ctrl+V. once you do this you dont have to do it anymore

    2.step up to your highest subd or disired subd and select polies on the side of your model you want to mirror to the otherside, dosent matter how many, can only be one.

    3. from the layer menu select mirror x.

    4. and thats it..

    this works good for quickly making your model symmetrical, i dont work with the tool mirrored very much cause its a slight performance hit and you can really start to tell on the higher levels. i just do this every now and then.

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    cheers for the walkthru man- well when I say not being applied properly when mirrored I am meaning the tool mirror- ie when I use a stencil and make a big stroke, you can see small variations in the way its been applied to the other side. and later on those small variations become more pronounced as the model is painted on.. the mirror tut you posted should correct that tho so its not a massive deal.. ta!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I meant just the odd triangle. I'll most likely just smooth the model before I bring it in for some mudding. Thanks rooster wink.gif
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