Man, what do you guys do to keep yourself from going mental waiting to hear the final word back about a job?
As things are looking I will have to wait till monday, making this the first weekend I havent looked forward to coming up with nada. Tips? anyone?
time to start drinking...
and definitely start drinking
if you can be sloppy drunk when they call, that would be ideal
And, what Vassago said.
yeah it can be rough but honestly you'll be fine. Just go catch a movie then work on ebagg's plan. Ferg has a good idea too. Hell, I'm not waiting for a call and I might do all that.I guess you could always cradle the phone and rock in the corner until the sun comes up on Monday but why put yourself thru that?
Nothing worse than starring down the barrel of a long weekend with nothing to do.
A) You get a call, you get hired and are fat and happy
C) Same as B except you get a sugar momma instead of a job.
i'd just keep busy with my art and keep looking for other opportunities in case the one falls through. have to kill you, but i bet that would work.
well I got a positive "maybe" email reply to tide me over till monday. Took the edge off
oh and yeah i already have a job...just not one in games or that i particularly care for atm.