I posted these before on the bottom of another thread, but I was hoping to get more feedback on my first freelance job for a game. So here's a new thread!
Close to 3000 polies each and a 1024x1024 diffusemap, they are for
Alliance - the silent war
The lenses for the scopes are just placeholders.
You really nailed the specular on these guys, and it makes them look super crisp, and the volume reads excellently. Go go Swiss cheese power.
very nice work
anyways.. made it into my inspiration folder, the mosin rocks!
good job!!
Keep it up, and congrats on your first freelance job.
No wires or textures unfortunately, but another weapon. This one was the first I did for Windward Mark Interactive and I think I improved while doing the others, that's why this one has a more generic metal texture.
It's a licensed israeli FN FAL reproduction with australian sights.
Ahhh the joys of baked in lighting, really miss it sometimes.... nice work.
[/ QUOTE ]
In my experience baked in lighting can still be very useful. I paint the highlights and the lighting in the spec map mainly instead of the diffusemap. This way the final result in the game will more often look the typical way we think things should look, although it's not completely realistic with the lighting from the map.
I can fake one of the aspects of normal maps this way and save polies I'd need to make things really round. And the objects read a bit better if they have the highlights we're used to on them.
In this example the highlights you notice are painted on the specmap almost exactly this way with some very subtle basespecular.
Edit: Wheels are not going to be animated
@Brice: Here's the tank, I can post wires later. It was one of 3 models.