With all of the Polycounters reproducing like rabbits, this all adds up to lots of babies. And where there are babies, there are proud parents with cameras. Please post your cutest baby/rugrat pictures here.
I'll start it off with my son Loki, who is now 2 months old.
First, being slightly happy:

And next, having a little lunch on the daddy barcolounger:

And finally, just chilling out looking a little goofy:

Red and I napping last week.
Take her sledding a few times... she'll start to enjoy it more
Hollowmind, is that a polar bear fur coat?
Cute kids to all you parental units!
Back in sept, they're both a bit bigger now.
Cute kids everybody, all I have are ultrasound pics, not very exciting. Wow Red is a big boy! Did he come that way or is it something you're feeding him hahaha? I can't remember if you posted his stats before...
Vig: Red was born 7 pounds 2 ounces, right after he dropped a bit of weight, then shot right back up within a matter of days (they're supposed to drop a little weight, then be back to their birth weight usually in a week). It's all about the breast feeding!