NIce... things like this exist that also create a thumbnail, but I like the way you organized it by file type. One thing that all the automated image scripts always miss out on is multiple pages if there are a lot of files.
Again, nice work... I feel like I'm bashing it, but honestly I like it
I was trying to get the thumbnail generation to work, but it wasnt going how i wanted it. So i just went for the text instead. i know its not the best way to do things, but at least its better than the default folder listing with that courier new font, if you know what i mean.
Very cool that you're sharing this. I'm sure a lot of people can make use of it.
My brother helped me code a similar thing for my girlfriend's site ( ), it basically checks the link for an image/text file title and loads any images with that name, and appends the text at the bottom. Really nice for quick and simple adding of images - just add the thumbnail, and it will automatically turn it into a link to the full image and text.
I need to use it on my site actually, I've got a less-functional version of a similar setup on my current portfolio.
Very, very usefull. Nice way to host a WIP folder.
"Muito obrigado, Pedro. Grato pela ajuda".
[/ QUOTE ]
Not sure what that last part means but this is very useful and much needed for everyones WIP folder. I'll be putting this into action shortly, thanks a BUNCH! You rawk!
I would post the one I wrote for my latest in-progress website, but it's pretty layout-specific. Nice work on the more distributable type, bitmap. For thumbnails, if you can't autocalculate them it would still be nice to autolink them similar to what MoP mentioned (The script would ignore anything with, say _TN_ in its filename and automatically add that to the end of filenames to get the thumbnail... pretty simple)
[edit] I really don't get the sort-by-type thing though. Unless the gif's are animated, I really don't see why the end user should care what the format is, but that's me. To each his own ^^[/edit]
PHP always gives me a headache. I wish more servers had eRuby installed.
Speaking of gallery scripts, I've always wondered what this script is? I've seen it in a bunch of places and never see it attributed to so much as a name, let alone a website. I actually don't like it that much since it's unresponsive to clicks between image transitions, and can be pretty slow anyway-- mostly I'm just curious (and wonder how it's done)
The more of these (simple) things there are, the better!
I installed gallery2 just now, but holy shit it'll take me a while to get it to what i want (ie. SIMPLE)
Asthane: That is called Lightbox.
Its made by Lokesh from
Its a javascript based gallery. its not really a gallery. its just a fancy way of opening the pics instead of opening them in new windows
This stuff will definitely come in handy, I'll be setting up a site for some relatives sooner or later, so this'll save me some time for sure. Thanks for sharing!
its easier to read and smaller.:D
If you want to list other imagetype just add the line
Also. it strips down the extension.. since every filename belongs to the same category no need to have the extension on the filename.
And also. the underscore on the filnanme is replaced by whitespace.
first you need to change the folder properties on the folder that you have the images you want to list.
i made mine 757.
then copy the 2 php files to the folder.
open firefox and run thumbgen.php - this file will create the thumbnails with the prefix tn_ on them. everytime you put a new pic on the folder you have to run this file so it can create the thumbs. (probably theres better ways. but i only made it this way.:S)
Looks good. I may replace what I was using with this
As for the thumbgen, did you check out the file I posted? It will autogen the thumbs for you if there are new images.
Also - changing the permissions on the folder doesn't allow for the PHP to be accessed from Firefox for some reason. But with permissions turned OFF it runs the PHP, but no new files are created.
notman: i guess the index.php that you have on your site is was cooler and easy.
Im gonna try and change that file you had here for download to have the looks i have on mine right now:D
Again, nice work... I feel like I'm bashing it, but honestly I like it
My brother helped me code a similar thing for my girlfriend's site ( ), it basically checks the link for an image/text file title and loads any images with that name, and appends the text at the bottom. Really nice for quick and simple adding of images - just add the thumbnail, and it will automatically turn it into a link to the full image and text.
I need to use it on my site actually, I've got a less-functional version of a similar setup on my current portfolio.
Nice stuff!
Very, very usefull. Nice way to host a WIP folder.
"Muito obrigado, Pedro. Grato pela ajuda".
[/ QUOTE ]
Not sure what that last part means but this is very useful and much needed for everyones WIP folder. I'll be putting this into action shortly, thanks a BUNCH! You rawk!
But as you can see, it becomes crap once you get too many images. There's also nothing to the presentation other than a bunch of clickable thumbnails.
Edit: I can share the code if you want it later
if you dont mind.:D
Im right know searching for a cool thumbnail class to implement on my solution .D
[edit] I really don't get the sort-by-type thing though. Unless the gif's are animated, I really don't see why the end user should care what the format is, but that's me. To each his own ^^[/edit]
PHP always gives me a headache. I wish more servers had eRuby installed.
Speaking of gallery scripts, I've always wondered what this script is? I've seen it in a bunch of places and never see it attributed to so much as a name, let alone a website. I actually don't like it that much since it's unresponsive to clicks between image transitions, and can be pretty slow anyway-- mostly I'm just curious (and wonder how it's done)
I installed gallery2 just now, but holy shit it'll take me a while to get it to what i want (ie. SIMPLE)
Its made by Lokesh from
Its a javascript based gallery. its not really a gallery. its just a fancy way of opening the pics instead of opening them in new windows
Here's the script file... just so you're aware, I didn't create it. (zip so it was downloadable).
i updated the code..
its easier to read and smaller.:D
If you want to list other imagetype just add the line
Also. it strips down the extension.. since every filename belongs to the same category no need to have the extension on the filename.
And also. the underscore on the filnanme is replaced by whitespace.
what do you guys think?
thats rainlendar, it supoorts skins.
got that skin from
there's 2 files.
index.php and thumbgen.php
first you need to change the folder properties on the folder that you have the images you want to list.
i made mine 757.
then copy the 2 php files to the folder.
open firefox and run thumbgen.php - this file will create the thumbnails with the prefix tn_ on them. everytime you put a new pic on the folder you have to run this file so it can create the thumbs. (probably theres better ways. but i only made it this way.:S)
then go to the folder and voila.
As for the thumbgen, did you check out the file I posted? It will autogen the thumbs for you if there are new images.
Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/johnyont/public_html/pix/thumbgen.php on line 42
Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/johnyont/public_html/pix/thumbgen.php on line 43
Warning: imagecopyresampled(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/johnyont/public_html/pix/thumbgen.php on line 60
Warning: imagedestroy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/johnyont/public_html/pix/thumbgen.php on line 78
Warning: imagesx(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/johnyont/public_html/pix/thumbgen.php on line 42
Warning: imagesy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/johnyont/public_html/pix/thumbgen.php on line 43
Warning: imagecopyresampled(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/johnyont/public_html/pix/thumbgen.php on line 60
Warning: imagedestroy(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/johnyont/public_html/pix/thumbgen.php on line 78
eg: <--point my browser here to 'run' it?
Also - changing the permissions on the folder doesn't allow for the PHP to be accessed from Firefox for some reason.
Im gonna try and change that file you had here for download to have the looks i have on mine right now:D
just hold a little more:D
here it is.
this file above is the one im using right now. cause you dont have to change permissions and also its only one file.:D
hope you enjoy