i've gotten used to our US cousins using "wank" and it's various derivations, but suddenly somewhere else on this board vermillion hits us with a "miserable twat" which made me laugh for more than one reason
when did this all start happening and why? Hey, i'm not complaining, i think it's great - just wondering is all.
It's also kind of odd, what with all the american TV and movies that we live on, that you almost never hear people in the UK using american swearing. Slang's more common of course, but even the word "guy" or "buddy" tends to hang in the air with too much weight ...
But yeah, it's always funny hearing UK-isms (especially obscure slang/swearing) from foreign people. Partly because it's so unexpected.
I guess its taken from brits when they are playing world of warcraft. Bollox wanker
Some people even use "fuck", this sounds incredibly stupid when they are talking swedish and suddenly say "fucking" in the middle of the sentence..
srry... that was uncalled for
I've also heard of a rimjob, but it's been so long since I've heard that term that I had forgotten about it and didn't make the connection... thanks
as for english swearwords: currently i often use the term "faggot" i picked up from a french guy. not sure what it means exactly, too lazy to look it up - but the reactions to throwing it around can be quite amazing.
"cunt" is also high on my list for making new friends.
coolest cut down:
I wish urban dictionary had a thesaurus, to look up cross continental equivalents for slang words.
isn't a 'fag' also a term for a cigarette or something for you brits?
Rimshot immediately made me think of rimjobs... and basketball. Tells you a lot about what I think of basketball.
I think most people in NA learn the UK lingo off TV. Any time a "british" character appears on any show they'll say wanker or bollocks or the like. Most people have seen at least some of the old British comedies as well.
I dont think the bundle of sticks definition has anything to do with the bible..
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it doesn't have anything major to do with the bible other than it being in its glossary. i looked up cuss words among other things in the bible when i wasn't sleeping in church.
Some people even use "fuck", this sounds incredibly stupid when they are talking swedish and suddenly say "fucking" in the middle of the sentence..
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Same here in the Netherlands, but it's already pretty common over here. Probably about a third of the TV media we receive here comes from the US without any censorship. Instead of bleeps we get the actual fucks. That's not even including all the subtitled movies from Hollywood. We're much too small a country to make dubbing lucrative.
Besides that, 'fuck' can't help that it's such a cool word to use.
"Smoking a fag" always gets laughs over here.
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Lol yea, it always cracks me up when that Robby Williams song comes on the radio and he says 'My breath smells of a thousand fags'
"now you lot have finished arguing, i'm going back outside to finish off my fag"
"oh, leave the poor boy alone"
still chuckling about that 8 years later.
i love the word "bollocks" (interneted down to bollox). I especially love the irish take on it, which has little to do with testicles and is often almost endearing ... eg "you little bollocks" and "oi! bollocks!" ... i once had a long conversation with a yank type in portland ME detailing these things, he even - honesetly- took out a notebook at one point.
Then again, i jokingly bopped him (very lightly) on the nose at one point, which he and his mate took as an EXTREME insult ... after 10 minutes of sulken near-silence one of them decided to explain the insult, which, taken aback and somewhat embarrassed,I insisted they should return, as hard as they like. At which point he twatted me clear across the face, taking in a knuckleful of nose, causing me to recoil and calling him a "twatfaced arsehole fucking cunt" ... for some reason he was so impressed he bought me another beer. On my fuckin' debit card behind the bar, mind, but at least the thought was there
Which simply meant bad or lame. It sounds like the word comes from the day when "gay" was more known as to be cheerful.
" Julia broke up with her boyfriend Warren because he was being gayblade, he called her everyday and constantly dumps his feelings all over the floor everytime they are together"
"Man, that is soo GAYBLADE!!"
I've successfully gotten wanker and bollocks into my girlfriends vocabulary now (although Americans can never quite say it right. It always comes out more like bullocks). Im working my way up the crudeometer though. Pissflaps and soapytitwank are next on the agenda.
when did this all start happening and why?
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Ror did it. I may have helped.
/me runs
I blame Deadwood.
you can see it on line here http://www.viz.co.uk/?%2Fprofanisaurus%2Fprofan_index.php%3Ffb%3D1
it has a random profanity generator
FUCKY DIP - Random Profanity Generator
knob chopper n.
Precariously balanced lavatory seat which falls down while you're having a piss and therefore must be held up manually.
If you are really mad or just surprised by a sudden negative event than you usual use your native swear language, but if you are more joking etc, than using strange foreign words just come off your lips easier (and are usually more funny also).
Also in Australia you don't simply have a big TV. It's a big FUCK OFF TV. This applies to all things large and impressive.
"fuckwittery", i like
Me and my housemate just take one swear word and mix it with a non-swear word and voila.
ie: Fuckstain, Asshelmet, Cuntrag, Cockgobbler.
The word Bumballs gets used around the office a bit... Mainly by me though
Personally, my cursing knowns no boundaries. I've had friends in the UK for nearly half my life, and that has certainly broadened my horizons, but I've been freestyling my way through obscenity since highschool. Shitbiscuits and horseporn still pepper the tragic landscape that is my vocabulary
-Cock Janitor
-Ass Gardener
-Cock Jockey
I tend to use bigger words than most people when speaking and every now and then something crass slips in. It's very natural though so I pull it off :P
Lol casey. Some more: (Profanity+Professions)
-Cock Janitor
-Ass Gardener
-Cock Jockey
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Must be an aussie thing... I'm going to have use Ass Garderner on my housemate tonight, hahaha! I like that one.
and yeah, Ror started it.
a buddy and myself were booted from a bar one night (we had... a lot to drink), and i heard probably the most professional, masterful, and amazing spout of swearing i have ever heard in my life - at a police officer and bouncer no less. Europeans know how to swear.
I like combinations of swear words. like pigfucker, or fuckstick. shitstain is fun too.
I personally feel akward saying bollocks, git, twat, or any of the others... didn't grow up with those words, feels strange saying them to someone who uses em daily.
oh fucking cock shit ass wank mother fucker...
is usually appropriate.
I class myself as more twattish than cuntish
Myself? I like a nice string. "Bollocks to that shitwanking badger-bummer."