hi, I am new to organic modeling and I am trying to model a human head using a photo reference. At this time, I am on a deadpoint, where I see many errors on the model, but don't actually know how to fix them. I would really apreciate any critics and hints on this.
also, I'd like you to point out my biggest errors on this model. Just to compare if I see them or not.
thanks very much!

meshsmoothed model:


-Shape and fullness of the lips
-Brow is practically nonexistent
-The end of the nose looks too big while the rest tappers to the brow too sharply
-Shape of the eye (lids, tear duct, fat folds over eye, etc)
-Please take time eventually to model the ear proper. It may not look like it, but it's loads of fun being this bizarrely shaped object.
As for fixing it, just keep tugging at verts until it looks right
Also, it looks like you mirrored the face over (in the reference). Humans are asymmetrical so having a "perfect" face looks odd. The mirroring also causes some features to become distorted (nose skinny, lips, chin). I'd suggest after this pass you model his left side from the unmirrored reference to break the symmetry.
Nice meshflow and definatily a very promising start.
One question,do you intend to put this into Zbrush/Mudbox or anything like that,or is purily a max/maya/silo (etc etc) exercise?
2bronco: this was my first attempt to model a human head with higher polycount, after I am satisfied with the model - I'll go to the next step which is to try zbrush or mudbox on it. (which are programs that are new to me)
If you have some suggestions about the export of this model to zbrush or better mudbox, I'd be thankful.