OK. Strange story:
The other day I was wondering about "Friends reunited" in my daily bed-brainstorm. So lying there, I asked myself "who is the most unlikely person to use the internet who I went to school with"? (seeing how most people I went to school with are not online). Eventually I came up with a name. I guy called Ross.
Ross moved into a caravan (trailer) after we left school at 16, to live a natural lifestyle in the woods next to a river. No-one ever heard from him again.
I go to the office. Turn on my computer, check my email.
Ross posts on my blog.
OK. Strange story. But not completely out of the ordinary. Right?
So this morning I was thinking about my old life when I was 17, back in rural cornwall. I took my mind back to one of the most beautiful girls I had ever met. We had an experience in my bed, not entirely the whole way but almost there if you get what I mean. She was willowy and tall, but it was an enigma. We both fancied each other, but did nothing about it. I thought she may be lost from my mind, and I am not sure why she entered that particular brain storm. I wondering what she is now doing in life.
Go to the office, check my email.
She posts on my blog.
Clairvoyance? Why these premonitions? Two times in a row is not a regular thing. My SEO must be doing wonders in the ether.
no, honestly it was secret of nimh. and there was this other time not too long ago where i was thinking about pink floyd because i used to listen to them alot when i was younger and i felt the urge to look up some stuff about syd barrett on the net, turned out he died like one week before that.
but i've experience exactly what you're talking about. like i had this friend billy in highschool and i hadn't spoken to the dude in years and for whatever reason was thinking about him one day. the next day he called me. also, i find that if you're in a relationship w/ someone the same shit happens just in shorter intervals. wierd stuff indeed.
sometimes i have a sweet dream about a girl, when i wake up i usually wonder why i dreamed exactly about her because i havent seen her a while ago or did not had such sweet relationship to her before. then it usually happens the next day that we come in contact, we wheather see us on the street or i get a call or something like this.
its strange, but i like it. I guess it always happens on that days when you have no reason to think/dream about that person, its always a sudden event.
It's amazing how the human mind looks for links and patterns everywhere. The thing is, if you look for a pattern or a link, chances are you'll eventually find one, no matter how tenuous.
A week ago I was jumping in the bath and putting my music on (winamp) and decided what I wanted to listen to. I right fancied a bit of Jonny Cash at the time (I have just the one song in my 'various' folder - The Man Comes Around) but I also fancied a 'Feel Good Album', so I went with that. Now I was just sorting the playlist out, seeing if there was nothing I wanted to do listen to that in that 5 song range (ish) and was going to put Cash with the album so it would play it anyway. I decided against it, turned of 'random' in winamp and the feel good album started. After the first song comes in, Jonny Cash comes on. This is weird because they are no way near on my playlist, I didn't queue the song and I turned random off. After the song it goes back to the feel good album like nothing has happened. When I get out of the bath, I go to winamp and press back to which it crashes - even winamp doesn't have a fucking clue what it did.
I know I didn't queue the files because that would have required two actions, queueing the cash and then back to feel good. I can not explain it, especially not with winamp crashing..
Random chance and coincidence...
It's amazing how the human mind looks for links and patterns everywhere. The thing is, if you look for a pattern or a link, chances are you'll eventually find one, no matter how tenuous.
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I also think like this Mop. However, me thinking about two people who I'm unlikely to have contact with, contacting me on the same day I've thought about them is, well, beyond co-incidence.
You talk in your sleep and its your woman posting in your blog to creep you out.
This has happened to me before but not two times the exact same way. It's weird when it happens but there isn't much you can do with or about it besides note it, shrug and move on.
Those images aren't really in the tiles, but in my head.
At the same time, there are things (be they physical or phenoma) that man does not know. So I hate to discount clairvoyance as hogwash, and tend to classify it as an unknown or the inaudible voice of angels and God.
Hawken, if you are thinking about these people and they you, take it as a sign to reconnect with them.
I also seem to look at the clock at precisely 11:11. Doesn't matter what clock I just look up sometimes and its 11:11. I don't where a watch or check the time that often. While this can be explained as subconscious just prompting me to look at the clock at this time. So anyway I googled 11:11.
Here are some of the links
I also have experienced similar coincidences to what you have hawken.
Its strange and interesting but I doubt I'll ever find out whats really going on there.
At one point science explained nothing. It is only though taking our experiences and applying the scientific method that a more objective reality can be understood. To say that people can't see the future because science hasn't "proven" it is obviously an anti-scientific attitude.
I myself have heard enough stories like this from people I trust, and experiences things not so different myself, that I think it is worth researching, but research isn't possible until we have some understanding of the basic mechanisms involved.
I havent figured out how to use this power for evil...yet.
However, me thinking about two people who I'm unlikely to have contact with, contacting me on the same day I've thought about them is, well, beyond co-incidence.
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Not really, it's just a less probable coincidence
It's equally amazing how the human mind will take the most amazing thing and rationalize it into the mundane so that it does not threaten an established, accepted reality.
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I think it's more amazing that the human mind considers certain things amazing... anything could be amazing, depending on your viewpoint! Reality is, in itself, pretty amazing.
Improbable? Yes. Clairvoyance? ROFL
Isn't that just selective vision on your part?
Sometimes i predict the simpsons episode that will be aired on tv the same night. For some odd reason a scene pops up in my head, i come back from work and it's on TV.
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This happens to me too. My theory behind Precogsimspsonitis is that people who watch too many simpsons episodes actually amalgamate all the episodes into one giant blob of images. The actual prevision is a generic simpsons moment. When we see the episode our subconscious collapses the generic prevision into what we are watching, creating a false sense of precognition
I think it's more amazing that the human mind considers certain things amazing... anything could be amazing, depending on your viewpoint! Reality is, in itself, pretty amazing.
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I think this might derail the thread a bit, but you just mentioned the biggest problem of a materialistic worldview. There is no criterion to mesure things beside the one we created ourself during years of evolutions: our sense for ethics, our language. But we can't use this one to evaluate the standard itself we're all using in our life obviously. So making statements like religion is good, murder is bad, a non scientific worldview is bad, are a venire contra factum proprium if they are made by a materialist.
The point you made is just one application of this insight.
I've talked to people who didn't agree on this and it becomes a discussion about psychology if you want to argue about the above conclusion. How far do we have to use our intellect to limit our emotions? I think I can't limit the area of application of my intellect, which is why I've chosen a non materialistic worldview. This way I don't get into the dilemma of having to limit the scope of my mind in order to use common ethics as a binding norm.
I don't think we can easily say events like this are coincidence. I would have said that a 100 years ago when we thought we're living in a determinate reality. But the quantum theory has changed our understanding of causality fundamentally and the theory of relativity our understanding of simultaneity, so I wouldn't make a statement like Mops anymore just like this.
my words about coincidence: (hit me when i am wrong
coincidence can only be used if you imply that there is a fixed boundary. you make a some programms that create random pixels on a 256 texture, multiply each & ran trough filters blablalba... you may get after (guess it takes long) a certain time a picture that looks like a perfect scaled down version of mona lisa on a 256 texture.
you can do that same procedure with a 512x512 texture, it will take longer, but it will happen.
coincidence will be the case when it happens not in the mathematically calculated timepoint of maybe 1500years, it will be after 3 days or so.
now in those events that some have talked about where they(me too) already got some hint before the "reallity" event was happening one cant use coincidence as a description, because this will imply that life needs to have a boundary. you would say that there is this fixed resolution on which you can further say that coincidence may have taken place.
If one wants to say something about life and coincidence, then you can never get a boundary, its always related to a neverending universe & universe cant have a boundary, otherwise it cant exist.
Yes, there are limitations that we encounter when we make assumptions about the world we live in, but what's the alternative? You need some measure of consistency in your views and thoughts if you are to function at all.
And I'm not sure how you can so easily declare yourself to be above materialism. You're a part of society, aren't you? As you said, venire contra factum proprium.
edit: typo mania, what was going on when I wrote this?
*** Receiving sledgy's love packets ***
at the same time, there's not enough of an objective reference point to go and write off coincidence altogether in alot of these cases. one could argue, for example, that hawken thought about these people many times in those intermittent years, perhaps at close intervals since they might be close nodes in whatever network of neurons is being used for those memories, and they didn't contact him then, so what's up with that? same with my friend billy.
also, maybe these experiences could actually be DUE to a predetermined reality and that our aniticipation is evident of that. i guess the problem with attributing all of these occurrences wholly to coincidence is that they seem to happen all to often.
*to be published in my book: Distracting Yourself from DEATH
I'm the next nostradamus i tellz ya!
/me invokes a succubus attack upon johny
Hey Hawken, remember that time those really good looking women went to your site asking about me? One was blond, one was brunette, both of them had gorgeous smiles. Ironically they're lived in Green Bay where I just moved to and were curios what happened to me. Remember that????? Please??
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This thread is great, but man did this make me laugh. Good game.
so I scratched my head and it didn't happen . that is so weird,yet so typical of the modern world
(edited fir signs of speeed typing)
Forgive me if I've misunderstood, Scottish, but that came across as an extremely verbose "keep an open mind" bit.
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You didn't misunderstand me, this is pretty much what I was saying. I think the consequences of a strictly naturalistic view of things force us to consider things beyond matter too. But the verbose part was the arguments to get to this conclusion, so I think they are needed.
I'm not just quoting the 2 theories for nothing, before those were posited it was really hard to believe in anything but the principles of causality. I think a hundred years ago I would have had a hard time believing in god (and I had a hard time before having read about them).
I guess I would regard that as a materialistic or scientific view which to me is the best approach developed.
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Yes, I agree with this. The atheistic methodology is a story of success and I wouldn't go a step behind it. But we obviously can't apply this method to an infinite amount of possibly existing things. To draw the conclusion that they don't exist because we can't apply the naturalistic methodology to them is wrong though.
I think this might be one reason why many scientists nowadays have an atheistic worldview: habit changed a methodology into a world-view.
also, maybe these experiences could actually be DUE to a predetermined reality and that our aniticipation is evident of that
[/ QUOTE ] Our reality isn't predetermined as far as we know today. But we don't know yet how much the random events influence the macroscopic world around us, so you still have a valid point there.
Wow, I didn`t realise so many artists are fully trained in the fields of psychology, meta and astro physics etc etc...
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The really amazing thing is that I'm not trained as a 3D artist AT ALL, yet I still know what the fuck I'm doing.
wait, what were we talking about?
imagine you find out yeah that the bizarre coincidences are indeed directed towards you. that means there is someone out there screwing with your mind