Hi all,
Im trying to learn to model for game and its really hard ^^.
Look at this image, I dunno how to get rid of these horrible shadow, I tried to turn the edge to get a cool tristriping ( beside the fact that I don't fully understand what a good trisprip is. )
So I put the pix of my head and let you comment and give me some advice.
For the lightning, I got a basic 3 points lightning.
What bother me is the area near the eyes, the nose and the neck.
Im using Max. And I try to not using smoothing group because of the normal map I will apply on it.
I found that it fight with the NM.
Take a look at the head with NM.
I tried to play with the smooth angles but I can't get rid of these shadow, if I get rid of some, other appear.
Maybe it's my modeling who sucks.
Im totally new in the game modelling, Im gathering here and there some information, trying to look at some models and I didn't see those shadow that's why it disturbed me.
So I can go on the texturing part?
Here you can see my first model, and I got the same problem, but it was my mesh who was not really good (I think).