This is drivin me friggin insane! polycount's models have been unavailable for several months now! i thought they would be back shortly! my comp crashed a while back and i need those files! if im missing a link or something regarding another site where the files are or something FOR THE LOVE OF GOD plz tell me!
And besides, Polycount is more of a realtime art forum now than a catering service for people that "need" models.
he went away frigging ages ago!!!!! for crying out loud shouldnt he be BACK BY NOW!?!!??
shouldnt it have been like in the year 2000??
(*cough* sticky an explanation thread *cough*)
2) Lay off the melodramatics. Is the world really going to come crashing in on itself if you don't get your Quake2 PPM?
3) Make your own and don't be a hack.
4) CGChat Troll...
When the hell is Polycount coming back!!?!?
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When you stop touching yourself.
Doesn't a recurring question like this require a sticky topic?
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And ruin everyone's fun?
Anyway, the guy's right. If i don't get my dose of ppm RIGHT now, i will explode and die.
And if he's a cgshat insurgent, die.
/me squeals
The links to models still appear to work. You might need to tweak the date to find what you're after.
Still my favorite, there is just so much wrong with it hahaha
4) CGChat Troll...
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I don't get people that register a forum account just to ask where the models have gone. If they had bothered to register earlier and contribute in some way or another to the polycount community instead of just leeching old quake models we wouldn't have to endure these kinds of posts.
But then again, we wouldn't get kitties.
Bring it back?
i know its you in there vig
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Naw its Hawken, and thats the reason he is not allowed to have cats anymore.
then again if i had told anybody that cheap would start making non-gargoyle models a few years ago, they'd call me crazy. i guess some things can change
he went away frigging ages ago!!!!! for crying out loud shouldnt he be BACK BY NOW!?!!??
shouldnt it have been like in the year 2000??
(*cough* sticky an explanation thread *cough*)
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Haha, nice Rooster.
When a new member (1 post) exposes him/herself as being possibly the biggest crybaby registered, then fun is bound to be poked. As was mentioned, the files are still on fileplanet, and the polycount admins are a bunch of lazy hippies.
Okay, maybe only kub.
But my point still stands. Here's how i'd expect someone to behave amongst people he doesn't know. People who MADE the content he gets to download for free, as long as he's not a whiny baby.
"dear Polycount,
I am in danger of losing my life if i don't download your previously available models. I suffer from a rare kind of cancer, one that afflicts my patience and makes me dangerously dramatic. The plain truth of it is that my doctors told me if i didn't get a replacement homermodel for Q3, i wouldn't see the morning light.
Also, my rattamahatta for Q2 is dangerously swollen and in danger of exploding in my face.
Where it is.
It's in my face."
thank you for listening, and have a nice day.
Why the drama in your first post? Why freak out when we find it funny? If you can't see how melodramatic you where being then really there isn't much we can do for ya =/
You sound like another newbie poster we had a few weeks back who was pretty sensitive... if not a CGChat troll then maybe you are "that guy" with a new mask? Honestly if you are "that guy" I thought you would have learned, guess not =/
We told you where to get the models. Polycount isn't "that polycount" anymore if you are going to contribute please do so. I suggest you take your own advice and grow a sense of humor if you're going to stick around.
Pea, you seem like one of those people that takes himself, and others it seems, way to seriously.
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You, Vig, also need to chill.
And no, im not a CGchat troll(i havent even heard of them till you guys said something). And yes i read the responses to find the models. Dont you recall me saying "i do appreciate the help from the people that didnt through a hissy fit"?
it's so much better when they fight back...
Dance monkey!! Dance!
Everyone loves you.
There is no such thing as a stupid question.
We all know how it feels.
And most importantly we all know what to do when threads like this come up.
HItler cat ordered the strike on thaty battleship...the bastard
Sidenote: Funny Site -
It took me all of 30sec and I've never tried looking for them before, huh... interesting.
Try looking in: Home / Gaming / Action / First Person / Unreal Series / Unreal Tournament 2004 / Customization / Models
Instead of up your own ass, you might have more success.
I'll let you find them on your own with the info I provided. You're too much of an asshat for me to give you the easy link.
jesus christ up a tree, talk about an overreaction
honestly, i sometime swear some users of this board sit there positively WILLING new users to enter with the slightest hint of misjudged attitude, so they can enter post after post of increasingly aggressive retorts while sitting comfortably on the moral high ground. Retorts to an apologetic post made half a page ago, i might add
It's only the continual flaming that gets the threads locked. When the o.p. admits he's in the wrong and wants to move on, would it not just be a good fuckin' idea to do so?
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The first link is for Quake 3 PPMs, the second is for UT 2004/3 models. There are some for Jedi Knight, the original UT as well, you might need to dig around for those. (Searching for Polycount won't show any results I think.)