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3D animator(s) needed for Depths of Peril

Hey Everyone,

I posted here a while back and got a few really good artists to join the project so I thought I would post again. This time around I only need a good 3D animator though.

Depths of Peril is a fantasy action RPG that in some ways is similar to other games in the genre (Diablo, Titan Quest, etc.) in that it's an isometric view and you control 1 character that adventures around solving quests, increasing in levels, and finding cool new items but at the same time it has a bunch of strategy game elements that makes it feel like a very different type game.

You are essentially the leader of a faction that is at war with many other factions in a city of barbarians that no longer has a leader because of a war that the barbarians just lost. Barbarians choose their leaders through battle so the objective of the game is to be the last faction standing. To beat the other factions you can use diplomacy, trade, and of course wars and raids. Anyways you can get more information at our website at http://www.soldak.com/

Some more details:

You would be an independent contractor working for royalties only.

Everything is done in Max so a copy is required. I would prefer that the animator had Max 8 for compatibility reasons with the rest of the modelers but we can probably manage with any version from 5 and above.

Also since this is a small startup company, I'll tell you a little bit about me. I've been working on this game full time for a little over 2 years but before that I was the Technical Director at Ritual Entertainment where I worked for a little over 6 years. So I've been in the industry for a while.

If you have any interest you can contact me at stevenalt@hotmail.com

Steven Peeler
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