My fiance had our baby friday night (january 19th), just got home today. Red Archibold Bagg was born at 10:19pm, weighing in at 7 pounds 2 ounces! He had to be delivered via c-section because his cord was wrapped around his neck, but he's a healthy little kiddo, very full of life.
Thanks to TheGodZero and his fiance for stopping by, I have started Red on the nerd path with the Firefly series DVDs he lent us!
Congreatulations. that is really great news.
I think in a few years there will need to be a P&P section for the next-gen polycounters.
(Does Red have a blue backlight?)
And it's good to hear that you are getting him started down the right road early.
Looks like there's gonna be a few more PC'ers for me to visit next time I take a road trip!
Is Red short for something?
Red and my very groggy fiance Denise!
It's amazing how a little bundle of chunk can change your life forever.
Congrats ebag.