Hi all,
I'm trying to make a low poly model to fit my high poly and apply a normal map on it.
I have read some tips here and there, and tried to make my low poly.
I didn't have any problem with the extraction of the Nm, I'm using Mudbox.
But When I'm doing a render of my low poly with NM there are some odd shadow.
It seems to be done by the normal ( not the map just the normal ) and I dunno how to fix it.
Im trying to model for next gen, but I dunno if I got the right ammount of poly or if they are too low or too high.
I'm fairly new to this field so I'm asking you some advice.
Thx for all.
Here is some reference I am using, trying to understanding the process.
And his model is really fine

And here is my attempt with the poor shadow. And the wire.

And here is the high res mesh, it was done previously in Zbrush.

And if you have some advice on ear modeling for game don't hesitate

Because like you can see it, my ear is really crappy.
Anyway, I'm not that experienced, but it seems what you're seeing on the neck is just an ordinary smoothing issue. Adjusting your lowpoly model and it's smoothing groups a bit should fix it, shouldn't it?
I was using it only to make crease.
Thx for the quick answer.
also : http://www.pioroberson.com/tuts/tut_texturing_tricks.htm
And for the tut from poopinmymouth I have read some, especially the one about the Smoothing group, but I can't get rid off this big shadow on the neck.
Maybe it's my mesh who is crappy, I have 700 tris or so for the face.
Dunno what to do and what is good to do. I don't have any experience in game modeling, and it's totally different from the "normal way".
I have found this on Unreal Engine Technology.
Renderable Mesh: We build renderable meshes with 3,000-12,000 triangles, based on the expectation of 5-20 visible characters in a game scene.
[/ QUOTE ]
Does it means that a character got multi resolution mesh?
Or does it means that it depend on the type of game ?
And if the last response is the true how can you predict how many character you will have on screen in a game like Unreal Tournament ?
Thx for your time