Everyday your above ground your on top of everything.
something to think about when your having a hard day.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not true. Even if we assume the most practical, Earth-bound scope, there are birds. Clouds. Tree branches, wind-borne motes of dust, zeppelins. Fucking zeppelins, man! Simply being above ground leaves us below an awful lot of things, some of which could smash us flat if they noticed gravity tugging at their bits.
I'm not sure I'd want to be on top of everything, anyway. At least not all time. Sometimes, I prefer being on the bottom.
Ahh I love it here.
Someone tries to post a little, tiny, inspirational platitude, and it gets ripped to shreds on the first page. You guys make me smile.
Everyday you're above ground you're on top of everything.
Also, you need a space between 'every' and 'day.' Everyday is not a word.
Also, you need a space between 'every' and 'day.' Everyday is not a word.
[/ QUOTE ]
Colloquialism, alright?
grammer fags for the lose
[/ QUOTE ]
Everyday your above ground your on top of everything.
something to think about when your having a hard day.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not true. Even if we assume the most practical, Earth-bound scope, there are birds. Clouds. Tree branches, wind-borne motes of dust, zeppelins. Fucking zeppelins, man! Simply being above ground leaves us below an awful lot of things, some of which could smash us flat if they noticed gravity tugging at their bits.
I'm not sure I'd want to be on top of everything, anyway. At least not all time. Sometimes, I prefer being on the bottom.
It would be *much* easier to read if It were grammatically correct. I suspect you mean:
Everyday you're above ground you're on top of everything.
[/ QUOTE ]
Every day you're above ground, you're on top of everything.
But then I started reading the rest of the thread, and that made my week
edit2: I fixed it.
Those Albanians need to work on their catch phrases. They could learn something from good ones like "I wanna' dip my balls in it!"
Someone tries to post a little, tiny, inspirational platitude, and it gets ripped to shreds on the first page.
lol, polycounters are bigger retards than youtube commenters. I wish I had the absolute power to decide who lives and who dies.
[/ QUOTE ]
Did you just insult yourself? Maybe you're right.
Honestly, I've had a pretty great day, and I'm a little buzzed now, so it's all good.