Considering the porn industry has been the best indicator of the future of video, I'd say that Blu-ray will get pwnt like Beta-max unless the let the porn flow.
And I don't trust their little denial really. Hard to take sony seriously these days.
Update: Sony is now denying claims of a porn ban in Blu-ray. ... "There is not a prohibition against adult content. The BDA welcomes the participation of all companies interested in using and supporting the format, particularly those from the content industry."
[/ QUOTE ]
Some other coverage of CES points out that Blu-Ray is just too expensive for most studios to produce, or at least it's expensive enough that the cheaper alternative looks sweeter. It seems like that's gonna cinch it.
b-b-but, everyone knows : the grittier the quality, the better it is. And as long as it does a reasonable still-frame or slo-mo, everyone's happy. Personally, i think everyone should go back to mid 80s VCRs and just set the manual tracking up properly
wtf.. whats the deal with ppl that buy porn?
i mean.. dont they know of a thing called interweb?
i mean.. come on.. i wouldnt buy a porno just to watch 5minutes. lol if you know what i mean...
Hehe, yeah to me Blu-ray is not going to be the new format I will be jumping to, due to the Porn industry backing HD-DVD. Have seen how that took Beta max format out of excistance, and I agree with you bitmap, people are just to lazy probably to go and find it on the web, so they just but it on dvd.
i used to work in a video store, porn fucking sells. people are renting that shit constantly and buying it even more. just because YOU don't pay for porn doesn't mean that everyone else doesn't.
Edit: Do we really need bluray and hddvd pr0n?
Do we really need to see in great resolution the driping sweat out of their pores? lol
Just a tought for all of you . lol
Im happy with dvd.
i used to work in a video store, porn fucking sells.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree with 3dguy, I used to work in a video store also, the revenue for the store was mostly generated by the porn section. They'd rent 4-6 at a time, each for $5.95. Some would come in every day and rent another stack.
And I don't trust their little denial really. Hard to take sony seriously these days.
Update: Sony is now denying claims of a porn ban in Blu-ray. ... "There is not a prohibition against adult content. The BDA welcomes the participation of all companies interested in using and supporting the format, particularly those from the content industry."
[/ QUOTE ]
Some other coverage of CES points out that Blu-Ray is just too expensive for most studios to produce, or at least it's expensive enough that the cheaper alternative looks sweeter. It seems like that's gonna cinch it.
kids today, pah
i mean.. dont they know of a thing called interweb?
i mean.. come on.. i wouldnt buy a porno just to watch 5minutes. lol if you know what i mean...
no seryously?
do you know what i mean?
i can explain it then.
meh.. to much of an hassle
P.S.:sorry i just had to
/me bundles up all his mini disks
Who the fuck buys their porno these days anyway?
[/ QUOTE ]
Those who prefer to jerk off on the couch!
Who the fuck buys their porno these days anyway?
[/ QUOTE ]
LMAOROTF ... dudue you can't realize how much i laughed at this one, easily the most true thing ever said.
movies and shows.. i mean..
no porno for me.
yeahhhh.....(peter grifin voice).. im gonna pass on this one.
Btw, here is a link that seems to contradict the topic title
Edit: Do we really need bluray and hddvd pr0n?
Do we really need to see in great resolution the driping sweat out of their pores? lol
Just a tought for all of you . lol
Im happy with dvd.
i used to work in a video store, porn fucking sells.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree with 3dguy, I used to work in a video store also, the revenue for the store was mostly generated by the porn section. They'd rent 4-6 at a time, each for $5.95. Some would come in every day and rent another stack.