I'm looking for a plugin or program that will achieve the same effect of the polycrunch tool for 3dsmax. I would like to import my high poly mudbox models into maya in order to construct the low poly mesh for normal mapped characters, etc. Also, if anyone can point me in the direction or describe an effective workflow for constructing normal mapped characters w/ maya+mudbox I would be very interested. I've made normal mapped models before but I think my current work flow stinks. Thanks for your help!
I have terrain I modelled, but I was asked to flatten a lot of parts because the programmers were having issues with gravity working - so now I have an excessive amount of triangles to cleanup (quadrangulating in Maya does nothing so getting loops and rings seems impossible).
Edit - looks like I found something: http://www.highend3d.com/maya/downloads/plugins/polygon/screen.php?id=2852 - doesn't seem to work with 7 or above
Edit - Ok I found it. Apparently it's built into Maya and can be found under Polygons - Reduce, and works pretty well. I guess this is why plugins for it seemed hard to find.