Holy flippin hell. I missed out on grabbing the CE in stores (Wanted it to go with my original CE, and the art book/dvd are worth it), so I checked ebay. The goddamn things are going between 200 and 400 bucks. That's obscene. I was expecting like maybe 120, but what in the hell?
Who is it that pays that much for it? Or 2000 for a PS3 or 600 for a wii etc...?
I pre-ordered 1 copy of the CE TBC and later canceled it after a heated conversation with a GM which turned into a heated email exchange and then a heated phone call. I cancled my account for 2mo and recently decided to start playing again. I'm still pretty pissed about what happened and since the problem was on their end and they wouldn't own up to it, if I hear of it happening to anyone again I'll drop it like a bowl of hot cocks.
I'm still pissed now that I think back over it
now ebay is upto 1598 collectors editions on ebay. Seems like the word collector has now since gone, since every tries to capitalize on selling on ebay.
I'm sure i'm not alone in thinking that the original WoW artbook was 70% garbage. Some of the sections were a joke with either in game models as 'concept art' or half finished sketches. A repeat of that isn't worth the extra cash for me.
You guys who managed to get it are damned lucky. Looks like I'm shit out of luck.
I'm just happy to have my little baby hippogriff. He looks like Tucan Sam and a reindeer had a cute mutant baby.
Yeah, I grabbed the original WoW CE and used it for myself. Fuck selling it! I have an awesome mini-diablo, zergling, or panda for each of my characters.
[/ QUOTE ]
Because character transfer sends all items along with the character. My wife's (non collectors edition) account has mage with a panda now.
CAN'T!, brb
Having looked through the new art book it is indeed better than the former, but not by leaps and bounds. As is the case with the game itself, the book is mostly new environment art and a smattering of the new character stuff.
[/ QUOTE ]You know, if you're not happy with the art book, I'd be happy to take it off your hands for a reasonable price (say half the cost of the game). That goes for the rest of you Warcraft players too.