Hey, I got some pictures of this tree while I was in Mexico, and am wanting to model it. Problem is I need some more references but can't figure out what kind of tree it is.
It was found in Puerto Vallarta. Has a bunch of root/vine thingys all over, some which seem braided, and a very thick trunk. Here's some pictures.

Thanks guys.

Thanks again!
I am having a problem though. I'm trying to find some decent textures for the foliage, but can't find any. I can find single leaves, but that's it.
Anyone know of a good site for foliage textures (or a good technique to make that kind of foliage)?
Thanks a bunch guys.
I photographed a banyan in Florida a couple years ago. I can send you the full size if you like.
And yea, it'd be wonderful if you send the full sized my way Eric. mlagran at gmail dot com if you would.