ok, i have two choices : PsP or DS
Pros of the PSP :
i fucking love lumines and shin budokai...but thats it.
Cons : battery is shit.
DS :
pros : Cheap.
Cons : i actually have no idea of any decent titles besides the new zelda that will come to it.
what you guys recomend ?
Might help us make up your mind for you.
viewtiful joe was a good fun blast, castlevania was good, and sonic rush I enjoyed plenty- theyre all kind of actiony. I've kept my psp 1.5 firmware so can't comment on new games there.. though having every megadrive, nes, gameboy game etc handy has justified the purchase in my eyes
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Rooster you should try devhook or the custom 3.03 oe-b firmware which lets you play original games that require higher firmware. You can also rip your psx games and play it on the psp using the 3.03 oe-b firmware
In my most humble opinion I think the DS is one of the best consoles period out right now. The quantity and quality of the game library as it currently stands easily rivals that of the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PSP, Wii, etc.
It's a fantistic and inexpensive system that you are only going to see supported even more down the road as publishers start waking up to the validity of portable games.
Perhaps the biggest bit of game news this year was that the most popular series of all time, Dragon Quest, will be putting its next real installment to the series on DS. Quite crazy to think of that, even a year ago.
I personally do not own a PSP, but if anecdotal evidence is worth anything, I don't know anyone who owns both that hasn't shelved their PSPs for lack of anything to play on it.
Just take a look at their current respective libraries and the 2007 release schedules. I think the choice is fairly clear (from a games standpoint).
3.03 oe-b is killer. full-size video, mp3, vagrant story and FF7 in my pocket...
elite beat agents, mari vs donkey kong, mario ds, big brain academy, castlvanias final fanasy,
Also, you can play ALL GBA, GBC and GB games on the system.
I've had a PSP since day one and was converted over to DS when I saw it actually had games. I use my PSP for listening to MP3s when i workout, and that's it for the last year. The system is dead.
buuuutt, with a bit of tinkering it can emulate those quite properly, but no hardware/out of the box support.
If you have a ps2 or 360, you can get Lumines for that instead.
DBZ games are available on other consoles as well.
cool games I have: mario kart, kirby, FFIII, advance wars, yoshi touch and go, metroid, etc.
Soooo many more cool game choices if you get a DS. PSP does have its own cool selling points though. Still, DS is much better and cheaper.
mariokart, Metroid prime hunters, metroid pinball, mario64, the new mario (which is a lot like mario 3), PLUS all those good GBA games...
PSP has pluses, but the DS is a dang well-put-together package.
for the games, viewtiful joe is indeed really good, metroid prime hunters is cool too (4 players multiplayer with only one cart), you got the mario kart, electroplancton, the ff3 remake but soon crystal chronicles, you can plug your gba games...
I'm having a blast with portrait of ruin (want to buy the previous one too)
proted games include flashback, doom, heretic dragon's lair...there are emulators for all the lucasarts point and click games, etc...
I also have a PSP, only have 2 games on it (wipeout and daxter) couldn't find anything I liked other than those 2...
You can't beat the price tag for the system and the games. True Swing Golf rocks balls and if you were a fan of the first Resident Evil the port they did is dead on from the original.
OR, anyone remember the Tg16 handheld? Couldnt you play the actual Turbo graphics console games on that little beast--like using the same cartridge and everything.?
[edit] sonic, I remember seeing the Nomad in the back of gaming magazines back in the day and wishing I could get one... I don't think they were ever sold in the US, were they?
It's so compact, it's totally next gen and also doubles up as a snowboard.
I own neither, but if I were to pick up a new portable it'd definitely be the DS. The sheer quantity of games ensures that you'll always have something fun to play. The stylus is great too.
Keysersoze: it came out in America, but apparently never reached Europe.
Cons : battery is shit.
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Actually, the battery is not that bad. But there's a few games that stress the UMD drive way to much and that can take down your battery in a few hours...
I often play my DS: animal crossing. Just ordered FF3 and Mana, should be fun.
i've seen 8 PS3 60gig systems and still havent seen a single DS. had to get it online and even then they were sold out for 3 weeks
im getting New Super Mario and Pokemon Ranger. will be picking up Pokemon Emerald(GBA and Diamond/Pearl this April), Brain Age, Elite Beat Agents seems interesting, Bomberman, Mario Cart, Castlevania's, Final Fantasy's Phoenix Wright, Resident Evil and my friend highly reccomends Contact.
so yeah.. after not having a portable since the first run of Gameboys. got it in '89 and it still works like new even after going overseas a couple of times when i gave it to my cousin who's in the army.
PSP seems dead in sales. there were 20-30 unsold at every walmart ive been too (5 of them to be precise).. *shrug