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Maya Smoothing error

polycounter lvl 19
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Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
I'm sure this is just one of Maya's quirks that I haven't learned how to deal with yet, but whenever I try to Smooth a polygon mesh, it selects all the faces of the model, but doesn't smooth anything.

At first this only happened when I had the "exponential" smooth setting on, but now the same things going with linear smoothing too.

What's worse is that I seem to have double the amount of faces and vertices that I'm supposed to (i.e. if I select a face and move it, there's one directly under it in the exact same position. Trying to delete the faces doesn't help.

I can't imagine Alias/Autodesk would have what seems to be a fairly large bug in their program, so could someone tell me where I went wrong in my workflow and how to correct the problem?

edit: btw, I'm using Maya 8, but I remember seeing some of my friends run into this same problem with Maya 7 a couple months ago, and they couldn't find a solution either.


  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Very odd, and I'm certain it's not a bug. What does your script editor window say? What happens if you click on the polySmoothFace attribute of the mesh and change values?

    If you posted a pic of the mesh and the polySmoothFace attribute values, I'm sure we could figure it out.

    These values that work for me in 8.0 :

  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    There's another problem. I wrote this after I closed down Maya, and I just brought it back up to reopen my file, and evidently the part that was in question is now gone from the viewports.
    Here's the scene itself, along with what's going on in the script editor.


    <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>file -f -new;
    // Result: ./untitled //
    commandPort -securityWarning -name commandportDefault;
    // mental ray for Maya 8.0
    // mental ray for Maya: using startup file C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/maya.rayrc
    // mental ray for Maya: setup
    // mental ray for Maya: initialize
    // mental ray for Maya: using 1 license
    // mental ray for Maya: register extensions
    // mental ray Node Factory: loaded
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/include/base.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/lib/base.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/include/contour.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/lib/contour.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/include/paint.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/lib/paint.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/include/physics.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/lib/physics.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/include/subsurface.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/lib/subsurface.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // parsing C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/include/surfaceSampler.mi
    // loading C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/lib/surfaceSampler.dll
    // generating Maya nodes...
    // mental ray for Maya: successfully registered
    // mental ray for Maya: loading startup file: C:/Program Files (x86)/Alias/Maya8.0/mentalray/maya.rayrc
    file -f -options "v=0" -typ "mayaBinary" -o "H:/MA201/project1/project1_3.mb";addRecentFile("H:/MA201/project1/project1_3.mb", "mayaBinary");
    // File read in 0 seconds.
    // Warning: Can't perform polyCut6 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polyCut7 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polyCut8 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polyCut9 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit3 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit4 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit6 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit7 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit17 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit20 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit21 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit22 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit23 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit24 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit27 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit28 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit35 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit55 on disabled selection //
    file -f -options "v=0" -typ "mayaBinary" -o "H:/MA201/project1/project1_2.mb";addRecentFile("H:/MA201/project1/project1_2.mb", "mayaBinary");
    // File read in 0 seconds.
    select -r engine ;
    select -r engine ;
    file -f -options "v=0" -typ "mayaBinary" -o "H:/MA201/project1/project1_3.mb";addRecentFile("H:/MA201/project1/project1_3.mb", "mayaBinary");
    // File read in 0 seconds.
    // Warning: Can't perform polyCut6 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polyCut7 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polyCut8 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polyCut9 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit3 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit4 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit6 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit7 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit17 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit20 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit21 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit22 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit23 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit24 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit27 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit28 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit35 on disabled selection //
    // Warning: Can't perform polySplit55 on disabled selection //
    select -r pCylinder6 ;
    select -cl ;
    select -r pCylinder3 pCylinder4 pCylinder5 pCylinder6 ;
    select -r pCylinder3 pCylinder4 pCylinder5 pCylinder6 ;
    select -cl ;
    select -r pCylinder5 ;
    select -r pCylinder5 ;
    select -cl ;
    select -r pCylinder5 ;
    select -r pCylinder3 pCylinder5 ;
    select -cl ;
    select -r pCylinder5 ;
    select -r pCylinder3 pCylinder4 pCylinder5 pCylinder6 ;
    select -cl ;
    select -r pCylinder3 pCylinder4 pCylinder5 pCylinder6 ;
    select -cl ;
    select -r pCylinder5 ;
    polySmooth -mth 0 -dv 2 -c 1 -kb 1 -ksb 1 -khe 0 -kt 1 -kmb 2 -suv 1 -sl 2 -dpe 1 -ps 0.1 -ro 1 -ch 1 pCylinder5;
    // Result: polySmoothFace1 //
    // Undo: SmoothPolygon
    select -cl ;
    select -r pCylinder3 pCylinder4 pCylinder5 pCylinder6 ;
    select -cl ;
    select -r pCylinder5 ;
    select -r pCylinder3 ;
    polySmooth -mth 0 -dv 2 -c 1 -kb 1 -ksb 1 -khe 0 -kt 1 -kmb 2 -suv 1 -sl 2 -dpe 1 -ps 0.1 -ro 1 -ch 1 pCylinder3;
    // Result: polySmoothFace1 //
    // Undo: SmoothPolygon
    select -cl ;
    select -r pCube38.drawOverride ;
    select -r -ne defaultLightSet ;
    select -r pCylinder6 ;
    select -r pCylinder5 ;
    select -r pCylinder4 ;
    select -r pCylinder3 ;
    select -r pCube38 ;
    select -r pCube37 ;
    select -r pCube38 ;
    select -r pCube37 ;
    select -r pCube37 ;
    select -r pCube38 ;
    select -r pCube38 ;
    select -r pCube37 ;
    select -r pCube37.drawOverride ;
    expressionEditor EE pCube37 drawOverride;
    select -r pCube37.drawOverride ;
    select -r pCube38 ;
    </pre><hr />
  • artrynk
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    artrynk polycounter lvl 19
    Sorry for off-top))) but I read this topic and remeber my programming past and want tell funny story

    Young programmer come to lead-programmer with HELLA-BIG stack of listening code and said:
    "My program dosn't work(((((Cry) tell me where is a error????"
    Lead-programmer think some time weird looking on this TONS! of paper, then look on young pragrammer and say's:
    "in your DNA....."
  • Slipstream
    Offline / Send Message
    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    I'm not quite sure how to relate that to my own situation; I'm learning Maya for my Intro to 3d modelling class, and at this point in the process I don't know Mel script. Given that I have about two weeks to finish this and three other classes to study for it doesn't seem prudent to try and learn it, so I can't analyze the program and correct the code.

    That said I'm neither lazy nor helpless and don't think that I should solely rely on getting help from others when I may be able to somehow figure it out myself. But if there's a shorter or more efficient way of working through my problem then I'm not going to ignore a chance to find it. Please don't down on me for trying.

    Anyway, I think the problem lies in the DrawOverride attribute; the thing is that Maya isn't letting me disable or delete it through the UI, and the only other way to disable it through MEL, which is out of the question for the moment. So I guess I'll just have to restart from my last file save and avoid using the Smooth function to prevent this from happening again.
  • fogmann
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    fogmann polycounter lvl 17
    I really don't see what was your problem with smoothing, but perhaps you solved that? If you have a drawing override for a model and can't change it in the attribute editor, it must be because your model is assigned to a layer, so the layer is controlling the override, and it seems like you are having that layer set to reference (the R is displayed beside the color swatch in front of layer name, so just click it until there's no R or T, but an empty box). If you just delete that layer, you should be able to change the drawing override for that object in its attr. editor (and the object won't be deleted with the layer). Also, looking at script editor doesn't mean having to know how to program with mel script. It is useful because it tells you if there are any warnings or errors, and those are usually easy to understand, since they are written in plain English. It also tells you what Maya did while you were working in your viewport by showing you commands that Maya executed, so if you plan to learn mel script in the future, looking in script editor at what Maya does behind the scenes will come in very handy.
  • Slipstream
    Offline / Send Message
    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    Thanks smile.gif
    I did manage to edit the Draw Override function by getting rid of the layer, but the part I'd done on the model was still invisible, so I've just given up recovering it and remodeled it (and keeping multiple save states), so hopefully I'll be able to avoid this happening again.
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