This is a church environment that Artem Volchik (X-Convict) and I have been working on as a tech art demo for our in house engine at Terminal Reality. The total poly count is just under 200k polys. The goal was to take old gothic church architecture and to tie it into a real world environment based today. The images are unedited screen captures within the real-time game engine.
Terminal Reality, is also seeking talented artists all across the board. So if your looking for a job working on two very cool, very well funded next generation IPs, at an independent studio with tons of growth opportunities send your resume and samples to: and please put Artist Applicant in the subject line.
Also, wires!
Is it modularly constructed?
Any chance at a peak of texture sheets and wireframe or flatshaded views?
The render seem to have a low Anti-Alias value?, Are they in game shots and the AA was limited by the hardware restrictions?
I'm a little curious why the tops of the candles are glowing but no flame is present? Are there covers over the candles? Churches do some funky things to keep candles from being effected by drafts and running wax. I'm not really sure why all the candles would be lit during construction and when no one is around? Some weird religious rule maybe... Or is it just how the lighting is playing off some kind of semi-translucent wax shader you are using? If so use that shader on the hanging banners
Nice stuff, you definitely have a winning team already
You forgot about Artem!
Most sheets are 256's or 512's, a ton of the detail is getting mip mapped out from this distance, As I said it is an in engine shot, so it gets the fun limits of one.
The candles have melted a bit down, so the flame is not seen only the glow from the outside. We decided to light them to show of some cool shaders, after all this was an art tech demo.
Will post some more shots if permission is given of textures, and flatshaded.
It is stunning though. As Vig says, with a little AA it would look truly remarkable.
Good Luck, Cholden
Seriously bitching work Artem and Mangled Poly. This is the kind of work that takes TRI back to the Nocturne level of game art sexy. I hope it gets you lots of attention...just not so much attention that there's no room for me when I graduate!
A couple of things I noticed is I reckon you could spend an extra few polys on the silhouette of objects here and there, for example the tops of the fenceposts (?) on the left in the 2nd and 3rd images look noticeably lowpoly since they have a texture which implies more shape than the silhouette is giving.
Also there seem to be weird shadow artifacts on the same sections of fencing in those last 2 shots.
Very nice atmosphere and consistency though, good job!
But you can probably force the video card to do the Anti-Aliasing and Texture Filtering to solve the first two issues.
Is it me or is HDR lighting in games getting very old very fast. Something about getting a headach from the pure white next to pure black hurts the eyes when flashed at 30-60 fps. Nothing wrong with adding area lights to fake radiosity and keep the world from the painful HDR look.
Great job guys, this is some fabulous work!
Great job guys, it's totally orgasmic lol.