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Carpet textures WIP

polycounter lvl 17
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Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
I'm making some carpet textures with MicroGrafX picture publisher and paint. I'm going to use these for a fan mission for the game "Thief 2:the Metal Age." I have two made so far:
Tell me what you think.


  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    eeerr chicki chicki chicki...

    assuming u'r following the art direction of thief2, then the purple seems overly saturated. maybe push the lighter values up for more contrast as well

    the designs work well
  • Michael Knubben
    The noise certainly isn't working for me. My suggestion is that you use a picture of an actual (bland one-coloured) carpet, make it tile, make sure there isn't a great deal of lighting-information left (high pass filter it) and overlay that.
    I don't know MicroGrafX picture publisher, so i'll refrain from judging it, but if i'm to go by what i'm seeing i think you'd be much better off with photoshop or --failing that-- The Gimp (which is free)
    Also, have you considered doing these designs in vectors? Inkscape might be helpfull there (which is also free)
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    What you're doing is just noise over line art, and it doesn't not work. Noise could be applied as a very low opacity layer on top of a woven pattern to break it up a bit, but at this intensity it hurts you.

    you can find some decent reference of upclose carpet/rug details on this (slow) site:
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