The name is different depending on the country in which it's published by the adventures are the same.

I was a *HUGE* fan of these books when I was a kid and was going to buy all of the books back in December but figured I'd wait until I had all of my Christmas shopping done.
My girlfriends mom got me Where's Waldo NOW? and I look at it a few times a day. I can't believe how much detail is going on in those books - I swear every square inch of the pages is telling a new, hilarious, story.
Anyone have fond memories of those books? It seems anyone who walks by my desk picks up the book to share a memory.
He's so good at hiding.
[/ QUOTE ]
Found him!
Although it took me a bit longer than finding him in the image brome posted.
Anyones seen this one? I know someone who got it for Xmas