Cool theme, quite random, but still cool. Did a quick sketch in photoshop.
The idea behind it is it's a daddy pig who has to take care of his litter b/c momma pig was taken away to the butcher shop. So part of taking care of the little ones is making sure they have a steady flow of milk, which of course daddies can't make. So he has to go bum some of the white liquor from the cows (did I mention that they were at a farm?) who are on the other side of His first couple of trips to get the milk where smooth sailing, but soon enough, he gets attacked by wolves, coyotes, and such which gave him the idea of putting some mechanical arms on his back pack. There's more, but I'm gonna start modeling. Cheers!

EDIT: Here's an update on how the model is going. At the moment, it weighs in at 3006 polies, so I'm going to have to either trim piggie down or lose the robotic arms and the control box. I'll probably try the fore first though. Nite
Cutting down on polies is essential to your victory.