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Rainbow Six Vegas

Got me a shiny new Xbox 360 for christmas along with Rainbow Six Vegas. So far it's a lot of fun, I like it more than Gears of War. The visuals aren't quite as high as Gears, but it's pretty enough for me. Vegas could use a SWAT turn though. Meh, no big deal. Anyone else pick it up? What say you?

BTW, if anybody feels like gettin' in some LIVE, let me know: b33bl3brox


  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    Picked it up for PC. Feels like you're playing with vaseline all over your screen.

    I've actually had a really great time with multiplayer, it's fairly intense. Could use a couple more gametypes, and there are some mechanics that still could use some work, but overall I've had more fun with the game than my years of CS. The character customization is neat ^.^
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    Hey Pfhor, I was interested in picking it up for PC as well but was wondering how demanding it is? I'm running a p4 2.4 with 1Gb of RAM and a GeForce 6600GT.
  • Mark Dygert
    I can't get past the Bloom Effect overkill and how if someone sneezes near you, you die. I understand its RB6 and ubber realistic, but I like a little more survivability in my games.

    The bloom is what really kills it for me. If I wanted to put on glasses covered in mayo and walk into a sauna I would. Since those types of conditions are not met when I walk into a Las Vegas Casino, I think they should have reworked it. But then it would have the "next gen" look everyone so hot for...
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    I've always been a big Rainbow6 fan, I love the game, whilst I'm not a huge fan of dying and retrying 30 times, I like the game enough to persevere. The bloom can get overpowering but it honestly doesn't bother me too much on a large hdtv, I might consider getting it on pc if it's a good transfer, mouse&keyboard combo always wins in shooters.
    Not a touch on GoW but i'm more of a dark fantasy sucker anyway.

    I pretty much refuse to play online though unless it's with a few friends/level-headed people, the online console gaming community is enough to make me genocidal. Though I guess the avg. PC online gamer is just as retarded.
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    AstroZombie: I'm running a 2.4 ghz AMD 64 4000+, 2 gigs RAM, and a 7950GT, and get roughly 40 fps, with medium to high settings.
    There are some major FPS drops though, especially with lots of reflections.

    Before I was running the same specs, but with a 6800GT and couldn't get above 30fps... =\
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Good game, bad bloom :|

    [ QUOTE ]
    Feels like you're playing with vaseline all over your screen

    [/ QUOTE ]


  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Is the damage you take really that touchy? I played the demo, and I got winged a good number of times, didn't die until I accidentily hit the "throw grenade" button while crouched behind cover....
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    On realistic its basically one shot and your dead, but its the same for enemys so it evens itself out. If you suck like me you can just use your team mates as meatsheilds cool.gif we hired it out and clocked it on realistic and normal it is a pretty good game.

    However it is annoying when you can die that easily and there is a glitch, like someone fires at you through a wall, or an enemy spawns behind you randomly, or you tell your teammates to frag and clear a room and the grenade bounces back in.

    Overall its worth playing, if you had the rolling cover options like gears it would be great, but lets face it if every game we played had to live up to gears in every catogory we wouldnt be playing a lot of games. I got no problem with the bloom, its not that obtrusive and if you look beyond it theres a fun time to be had.

    My 2c
  • EarthQuake
    Imo the cover system is MUCH BETTER than gears, you're not locked in, in gears its sooo easy to jsut stuck in cover its not even funny. Vegas's cover system is damn near perfect IMO.

    The bloom really isnt what bothers me its the retinal response crap.
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Yea the system in gears is not the best by any means, I just thought it would be better if you could switch from cover to cover quickly like in gears. In Vegas the transition between cover is not great at all, you have to manually uncover, run (you run pretty slow) and then cover again. Despite this I'd say that Vegas definatley has a more in-depth and realistic cover system for sure grin.gif
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I've only played the Vegas demo, but from my time the Gears cover definitely seems deeper. It's more technical, with all of the button presses, but the five moves (corner turn, swat turn, roll out, jump over, exit cover) and greatly variable strafing speed (which effects how much of you is exposed) on top of the very quick blindfiring and aiming gives Gears a really natural feel, for me, with more than enough complexity.
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