not really a concept as such. since i'll no doubt deviate from it quite a bit. but just to give some idea of what i'd like to do. a kinda pigs in space / bebop inspired guy
the goggles are just placeholders for now. gotta figure through the poly count before i can finalise the look. still need to model his pig phaser. and shock horror. proportions aside i might actually remain true to my concept ( ha. such as it is )
early work on the hi res WIP. gotta go on the hunt for some good references for his suit. folds / wrinkles and such. and his pig lips too. wanna get them right
Looking good! I think you lost some of the nice proportions from the concept though, and now the bebop boar doesn't look as mean as in your sketch. Mainly, the base of the head (neck) could be pulled in and shoulders out so that the torso is more pronounced. Now it looks like it makes up one shape with the head, if that makes sense. But maybe the colors would help break up the form too. Can't wait to see what you'll do with the boots.
Very cool
Love your playblasts.
Now you HAVE to texture him!
Now you HAVE to texture him!
[/ QUOTE ]
ha. cheers fogmann. i'll need to respond to that in arshlevon's thread
base is pretty much done. can get him down to 1999 poly's for the final. would've liked a few more to make a nice little holster for his pigRay
tex him up!
just updated the above images *
yet i think the pant folds should come from inside the legs like so
but i dont know. you probably dont have to redoit. so. what do i know.:D