Well, this seems like a fun little contest, I'll see if I can squeeze time in to finish something.
Here's a quick ref sheet for ideas so far... starting point will be a Babirusa (although I'm not sure it's technically a pig at all), it has cool crazy teeth and tusks, so I think I might try to mix that in with a proper boar and blow it up into something huge and insane like a demon boar from hell or something.

- BoBo
Here's the full-res ref of that wrinkly one, Bobo...
And another pretty fellow who's on my reference list...
Can't wait to see this one fleshed out.
Made a quick start on the mesh tonight...
edit: ps DoF makes meshes cool!
I would judge the legs but the fog of blur masks em all!
[/ QUOTE ]
nextGen modelling techniques. realtime viewport depth of field
PS: Your gf is a good artist
It's about 20x better than mine is going to be, that's for sure. :P
I was bored and wanted to mess around in Photoshop, tried out some filters I hadn't used before (Lens Blur!) and though it looked kinda like an old, faded photo of a real sculpture...
Jimmies: OK, that one has a lens flare, but it was Faded by 20% set to Colour immediately after I added it.
Well Done Sir!!
Seriously though, so far it looks like only the head&shoulders have been done :[
I'll get to the back later, maybe this evening I'll do a pass on it.
Jimmies: Rendered in 3ds max.
Jordan: I'll add more blur next time
I'll fix up the legs and stuff later... heh.
Is he sort of a dead/skinned hog? Looks like a lot of bare tendons on the face
I updated the image with a couple of minor tweaks and less noise
Nice work.
That is awesome....(sheds a tear of joy)
Demon boar = win!
[/ QUOTE ]
i'll say!
Allthough the it looked cooler before you went all 'decaying-flesh' on him, this is just an inbetweeny stage, i guess.
ZB's crazy perspective:
Side view, since the proportions look totally different than the perspective view implies:
Very awesome, Mop
cool stuff
Lookin amazin so far, shame he doesn't even have hooves yet
Let's face it, ZB's crazy perspective ultimately makes the boar's proportions more interesting, I like it
Now I'm just making a mess of it
Also, my girlfriend used her mad skills to do this paintover in like 5 minutes: