some of you might have noticed me going back to some of my older works and trying to finish them.. it just really started to get to me a few months back. i never seem to find the time to finish stuff i start on my own. i have no problem doing stuff for money and its usually some horrible cliche crap i dont even want to do, but when it comes time to work on my stuff i either put it off, or loose interest, or think of something i would rather work on.
it pissed me off so much that i vowed to finish every unfinished project on my hard drive before i start anything new. this seems like the only way for me end this horrible cycle.
i was just wondering if anyone else suffers from the same disorder and if i can get anyone else to jump on board the "finish what you started damnit" train. i know a few guys on here that have started some great stuff that never seen the light of day. so i just wanted to make this post and put the idea in your head, i mean you dont have to go as extreme as me and finish EVERYTHING you started, but i am sure there are a few of you out there that have some gold on your hard drive just waiting for some polish...
The worst thing is, usually most of this detail finetuning will always go unnoticed in the final product.
In that aspect, school rocks. Personal work with a deadline.
Personaly work with a deadline.
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Great advice..and good luck to you Arshe
all you have to do is just get faster at it so by the time you think of the next idea ur already done with the first.
Though as of right now, I've just been too busy with freelance stuff and other obliged 3d work, that I really don't want to spend my personal project time on something 3d, you know?
While I know I'm not going to finish all my undone projects, I do plan on at least finishing my Otter Warrior and my General from the Domination Wars contest.
I hope you do finish you all your stuff, because you had some real gems in there, such as your domination wars general.
Ive been thinking of finishing a couple projects too... or start new ones I know I won't finish...damn this vicious cycle!
Im always caught in the endless tweak phase, and by the time one tweak is done, ive noticed a flaw somewhere else that needs tweaking.
It's good to be detail oriented but at some point you need to tell that little voice to stfu and just finish it. Thats my fight right now.
I've also considered picking up past work that I've abandoned or remaking stuff I finished ages ago. By then though I usually have a tonne of new concepts in my head that I'd rather play with.
i was just wondering if anyone else suffers from the same disorder and if i can get anyone else to jump on board the "finish what you started damnit" train. i know a few guys on here that have started some great stuff that never seen the light of day. so i just wanted to make this post and put the idea in your head, i mean you dont have to go as extreme as me and finish EVERYTHING you started, but i am sure there are a few of you out there that have some gold on your hard drive just waiting for some polish...
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aaahhh that's my case
oki doki - I will finish him and even try to export into HL 2.
not being able to finish anything is a sign of quality.
all you have to do is just get faster at it so by the time you think of the next idea ur already done with the first.
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Right , that's right man. That's what I need and I know it -
BE or GET FASTER - will be my objectiv in New year 2007.
not being able to finish anything is a sign of quality.
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True. I like Ryan Church's approach, which is as relevent to 3d as to painting. He works all areas of a piece at once, bringing it up in detail gradually as a whole (which is a necessity of the job - since the painting could be taken from him at any time to be viewed in a meeting). I think working with 3d in the same way helps. I know I'd sometimes do, lets say, a head or face, but never put a body or even hair on it - or I'd model a character with really detailed cloth folds and lose heart half-way through because when I come back to it, I know it's going to be a world of hurt to finish because of what I've already been through.
I do have lots of half-models sitting there, mocking me, and I will have the balls to finish them.. soon..
1. I'm not happy with it, or think it could be much better if I redesigned and started from the ground up. It probably would, but it just sets everything back to the start again...
2. I get halfway through developing an idea, then a better one comes along, and I always fall for the new inspiration, since the thing I'm working on doesn't seem as fresh anymore.
3. Since it's personal work it's easy to put on the back burner... more important "real life" stuff takes the front seat and I forget about the project till I dig it up when trawling through my hard drive half a year later.
I actually found a couple of old things that I still like recently, so I'm gonna try and get them finished - I'm also trying to keep a couple of projects on the go with drastically different workflows (ie. one high poly sculpted model, and another lowpoly single-diffuse-map model) so that I can jump onto which ever one I feel like at the time.
Just hack away a bit here and there, and if I get bored, switch to the other model for a change of pace and tools.
It's actually kinda fun to dig up old work, take a screenshot of where it was at a year or two ago, and try to really polish it up with the new tricks and tools I've learned since then, then compare them... the difference in quality is often very heartening
I also hate my stuff, always...
The only way I find to get around this is spend more time sleeping, then when you wake up and have time for some work in your day. Inspire yourself to believe your doing this for an art test for some company you applied for, and convince yourself your going to give it you're all.
Edit: Oh yeah, and get a great selection of music to blast on the speakers or headphones before you begin.
more important "real life" stuff takes the front seat
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Sad but true.
I have a few projects I'd like to dig up and finish, though.
Open a thread in Pimping and Previews section and we will all jump together on board
This also depends on what your intention is with the design.
How far did you want to take it?
I somtimes just model things does that count as incomplete?!, If I am done with the model?
I am a victim of incomplete projects
Good to know others are in the same boat.