my scanner is working again! yeahhh! so here's my concept
i made his hair very long and not as stubbly as normal boars would have, but otherwise it wouldn't have very much character to it would it? i might add some armour or something to it.
i have made some progress in the modeling stage and made it look more like the boar on the concept. still need to add hair and make his tail and but.
c&c's welcome!
damn... really having a hard time uvmapping this dude (i also added hair wich was supposed to be faked with transparency maps but that only made it worse so i deleted those...) also i don't have any sculpting program so i can't create normal maps and stuff..
here is a texture wip... still got a lot to do
i made the eyes diffrent on purpose becouse i intend to make his left eye (from his point of view) blind (still need to make that diffrent though...
here are some wires too:
so what do you guys think?
sure, the uv mapping of this guy was the hardest part.. i had no idea where to make the seams and this is what i came up with. (btw the square in the corner is al the hair)
i'm trying to render my boar but i'm having a problem with that... everytime i render an image it displays only a black window and pretends it is a regular image... (i'm using maya) any idea how come? (didn't adjust anything, was working on other stuff lately, but i thought it didn't hurt to post it up anyway)
You either don't have any lights in the scene and have default light disabled (in render settings, under common there's checkbox to enable or disable default light, try checking it if it's off), or you're rendering a wrong viewport (like front or side), or you have alpha channel turned on in your render view (although with that you should at least see white silhouette of your model). Also, if nothing of this works, try creating a new shader, adding a light and then rendering.
Edit: also check your face and vertex normals. If they are not facing out, it's possible that the mesh won't render, or it would render black.
thanks, but even with the default lightning enabled (it already was enabled) and the right view (which i already had) it doesn't work. i've been trying to add lights and stuff but it still didn't work. do you know some sort of tut on rendering? (btw, the face and vertex normals are ok too). thanks again!
hey, i suddenly had a flash of inspiration and i'm pretty sure i wont finish it in time but i'm working on an aardvark or tubulidentata here's where i'm at:
i don't know for sure if it is an actual boar/pig but i thought so anyways...
Oh, I just found out that this little fellow isn't a boar at all... it belongs to its own family. The name "aardvark" comes form the Dutch word "aardvarken" which means literally "earthpig". (That's why I thought it was a pig.)
i'll post it here too:
still need to scan my concept but my scanner doesn't work at the moment... still got a lot to do...
i made his hair very long and not as stubbly as normal boars would have, but otherwise it wouldn't have very much character to it would it?
c&c's welcome!
i made the eyes diffrent on purpose becouse i intend to make his left eye (from his point of view) blind (still need to make that diffrent though...
here are some wires too:
so what do you guys think?
Edit: also check your face and vertex normals. If they are not facing out, it's possible that the mesh won't render, or it would render black.
i don't know for sure if it is an actual boar/pig but i thought so anyways...