I know this is a stupid thread and is probably going to sink to the bottom of this forum once I get the answer to my question, but I need to know why my image code doesn't work. I quoted other users who posted images to see how they did it and they're doing the same thing I'm doing but mine doesn't work. To display an image you use

seems to work now, but still not showing up on my thread
EDIT: the first link wasn't linked DIRECTLY to the pic since I'm using ImageShack, the strange thing is that once I fixed that one the other ones came up also without me having to do anything to them
Some urls don't work though, from certain free hosts, I think.
Also, bear in mind if you break an initial link (sometimes hard to spot if it's just something like having an extra . in the line, or a bracket or slash the wrong way round), then it will often break all of them since the tags will be messed up.