this is for all of those home theater guys around here who love watching movies in your home with a giant tv, large (and properly setup) sound system, and use Home Theater pc's (HTPC's).
Get FFDSHOW!!!, its a codec enhancing program and comes packed with a ton of neat audio and video filters. most notably is the sharpen filter. this comes in a few variations but the best is not the default, use the unsharp mask sharpen filter. it makes regular dvd's look a ton better on hd tv's (min of 720p), i'd be interested to see how it looks when used on hd dvd's. just don't over do the sharpening though.
for those of you who didn't know of this, merry belated christmas present!

edit; p.s. it doesn't work with all players though. so far it works for all of my players except for vlc player.
FFDShow also allows a media player to play flash video FLV format (youtube, google video, etc.).
Should be noted it only runs on Windose.
Wish I had a HDTV set to play with.
FFDShow also allows a media player to play flash video FLV format (youtube, google video, etc.).
Should be noted it only runs on Windose.
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i usually just use total video converter to convert .flv to divx .avi's since the quality is better and its less cpu intensive.
and yeah, it only works on windows, forgot about that.
i use a 720p hd lcd projector, calibrated it with digital video essentials and display mate calibration tests, it looks quite good. i also got around to correctly calibrating and optimally placing my surround sound system, i hadn't correctly set them up since i rearranged my room some time ago, thats what got me started looking for things like ffdshow. i got tired of seeing the slight blur effect from upscaling of standard def dvd's.
as i said i'd be highly interested to see the effect on hd dvd's. anyone who has a hoem theater pc, hd tv, and hd dvd want to give it a try?
Converting to divx actually improves the quality? Recompressing is a lossy process, no? FLV is pretty bad to start with, maybe divx smooths it out with some noise.
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the .flv videos seem kind of blocky, when converting to divx it makes the the video less blcoky looking but kind of blurry. however with a slight sharpen filter it looks pretty good.
and yes, if you recompress too much you'll double/triple...etc the compression artifacts which can make it look worse.