Hey. So I'm building a scene in Maya and I am using some alpha maps. When I get these alpha maps close up to the buildings I get this "noisy" type of effect in the black portion of the alpha maps. When I life the textures farther off of the surface, they go away.
Here is the model with the noise :

And without :

I have tried turning off cast shadows and recieve shadows on the planes that I am using, but nothing is working. Anyone have any advice?
1. What version of Maya are you using?
2. Is this a problem in the render or the hardware view?
3. Are you using high quality rendering?
4. What format is your texture, tga, psd?
5. What exactly is the effect you are trying to create, decals on top of geo?
does the shader/material have any shinyness?
Is the noise from the brick texture?
That was a pretty vague question and now the links are broken to the images. Can we get some more info?
1. What version of Maya are you using?
2. Is this a problem in the render or the hardware view?
3. Are you using high quality rendering?
4. What format is your texture, tga, psd?
5. What exactly is the effect you are trying to create, decals on top of geo?
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1. 7.0
2. Render View
3. Yep
4. TGA
5. Yep, trying to use it as a decal
does the diffuse/color map bleed out beyond the alpha?
does the shader/material have any shininess?
Is the noise from the brick texture?
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- No, it does not.
- Yes, they the graffiti texture and the brick texture are both blinn's with spec maps.
- I don't think so, if I turn the brick texture into just a standard lambert texture, it does the same thing.
it looks like some sort of bump mapping is applied to the brick texture... i am not sure what to say.
[/ QUOTE ]
There is no bump map applied to the brick texture.
I noticed that when I zoomed closer in and render.....the problem completely disappears.
Thanks for the help you guys.