Hey Guys, My Dad passed away yesterday at 10 in the morning. Im handleing a lot of family stuff right now, But I want to thank you for your emails and phonecalls and general Polycount Love. Everything is fine with me and mine, and this is turning out to be the biggest Singh family Christmas ever.
Dr. Dennis Singh 1939-2006
Im glad that your family has come together and are able to find comfort in each other.
Best wishes this holiday and know that you will be in our thoughts.
- Brian & Ardra
Must say BoBo, I love the avatar.
Very sorry to hear.
Be strong for your family and best wishes.
I will talk with you again once I'm back on the west coast. Take care Josh - you and your family.
As never having anybody die who was this close to me before, I must say though I am very sad, I am also relived. Diabetes had ravaged my fathers body and everyday was a challege. I am so glad I got a chance to have five good months with him in San Diego. Where I could take care of him, let him sit in the sun and play with his grandchildren all day. There are no regrets. I know he was proud of me and Loved Me, and He knew I respected and Loved Him, and really in the end That's all that matters.
Merry Christmas everybody.
I'm not sure when you're getting back to boston, but when you do I'll be around if you need an ear or a pal.