I'm trying to import a model into Unreal Tournament 2003(i don't have 2k4

I assigned the skeleton i got from the epic site to my mesh,and exported it as a .PSK file.Now i need to import the mesh and texture's into UnrealED.In sunny-d's tutorial it says i should go to file/import mesh.problem is it isn't there.i tried to just use the import option,and it doesn't give me an error but it doesn't show the modlel either.Any help would be appriciated.
Oh and btw,i saw in jeff parrot's tutorial that the textures need to be on 1 or 2(body+head) skinmaps,but mine are on 3 skinmaps,but that still doesn't explain why there isn't a import mesh option.
Thanks in advace.
EDIT: i found out how to impot the model and texture(s),i'm so dumb.
i'm going to try to get it ingame now.