If I were an american id have people sign contracts everytime I was about to do ANYTHING just to be sure. but then again it has rather recently become legal in sweden to have sex with animals.
laws like that oral sex one are all over the place--legacy laws left over from a hundred years ago that no one enforces. In texas, for example, it's still illegal to have sex with cows, but that's never stopped any texans I'm sure.
Not a single word about the 17-year-old alleged rape victim's parents allowing their under age daughter to drink at a new year's party in a motel room. Not a single word about the parents of the 15 year old raising a whore. This is why America's legal system is fucked up. Everyone should share some of the blame.
So it's f'd up to break the law? Yeah, makes sense.....
Doesn't matter if it's consensual or not. The law is the law.
If you drink and drive, and get caught and fined, is that f'd up? Is getting put in jail for stealing f'd up? 10 years is way too much, that's for damn sure. But if they didn't break the law, they wouldn't have to worry about it in the first place.
So it's f'd up to break the law? Yeah, makes sense.....
Doesn't matter if it's consensual or not. The law is the law.
If you drink and drive, and get caught and fined, is that f'd up? Is getting put in jail for stealing f'd up? 10 years is way too much, that's for damn sure. But if they didn't break the law, they wouldn't have to worry about it in the first place.
[/ QUOTE ]
Unlike drunk driving, teenagers having consensual oral sex does not endanger lives (also, you don't get prison time for a DUI). Not all laws are equal, and not all laws are just. This kid's life is ruined, and for what? How is imprisoning him going to benefit society, or anyone else for that matter? Two teenagers have consensual sex, and one of them gets locked up for 10 years and is labeled a "sex offender" for the rest of his life. Yeah, "the law is the law" .
Not a single word about the 17-year-old alleged rape victim's parents allowing their under age daughter to drink at a new year's party in a motel room. Not a single word about the parents of the 15 year old raising a whore. This is why America's legal system is fucked up. Everyone should share some of the blame.
Unlike drunk driving, teenagers having consensual oral sex does not endanger lives (also, you don't get prison time for a DUI). Not all laws are equal, and not all laws are just. This kid's life is ruined, and for what? How is imprisoning him going to benefit society, or anyone else for that matter? Two teenagers have consensual sex, and one of them gets locked up for 10 years and is labeled a "sex offender" for the rest of his life. Yeah, "the law is the law" .
[/ QUOTE ]
Not to mention anyone that attempts to shine the harsh light of common sense on this case will be labeled a sex offender loving liberal. He won't get any help because no one wants the albatross of "oh your THE guy that helped teh sexal8tor offendsor, get off! Sicko pervert how many kids do you have chained up in your basement." hanging around their neck.
I'm going to have to ask some of you to read the article before replying. He's not going to jail for raping the 17 year old girl.
This guy had sex with a drunk 17 year old, who did not ask him to stop. Then the 17 year old went to the police, and said she was raped. Due to the video, he was cleared of the rape charge. But also, thanks to the video and the girl going to the police, he was found to have received oral sex from a 15 year old girl, who just so happened to be giving head to every guy there. And yes, THAT makes her a whore. This is about the 15 year old, because it's only legal if she's 16. And he's serving time for that act alone, aggravated child molestation, even tho he's 17. Weird.
Honestly, I think all involved should get a slap on the wrist, maybe probation, community service. The parents should be fined. I don't think sending one student to prison for 10 years is solving anyone's problem. It's just more tax money paying for an inmate guilty of a misinterpreted law.
I have had this idea in my head for a couple years now, I'm sure other people have thought of it but I just wanted to parlay it over to you guys:
A government based off of a system where people either watch TV or go to a website, and issues are shown, both sides (or multiple sides) are shown and argued for and against, and then the viewer can place their vote, option A (Yes), option B (No), or option C (obstain). All the votes would be tallied for each issue, and the government would act accordingly to the people's vote.
I guess it seems pretty sci fi ish, but I think that is what the founding fathers were trying to do, but the paper voting system takes a lot of work.
Also, there is the possibility of the system being hacked, so some pretty heavy duty security measures would have to be in place. Some sort of super secure cookies I am guessing.
But yeah, seeing websites like digg and how people digg and bury items, and people comment on the issues, which is great. Seeing this recent article on digg about the 17 year old getting a jail sentence of 10 years for having oral sex with a 15 year old, it makes me wish we had a similar system in place, so that the public could take a stand and vote for what they believe is right, instead of one judge making a ridiculous sentence that can ruin a person's life.
America is not that bad, if you dont have sex with the drunken underage minors.
Steady your talking about American idol Justice..and your assuming the populace always knows what's best. We elect Judges, sheriffs...etc to make those judgements for us because they know the law and how to interperet it. Is it perfect? Not by a long shot. But it beats mob rule
@steady: Yeah, I am a strong supporter of such a system of radical direct democracy too, even though it should be a little bit more sophisticated than what you wrote
But really that is what society through the means of technology is moving to, and I think it really is only a matter of time before such a system is deployed (but it could still take a long time, especially as there are many people who would lose a lot of power that are currently in power).
Edit: Such a system given the right legal background and constrains, and working mostly (but not exclusivly) on a higher level than individual law cases is a far cry from "mob-rule".
Actually there is quite a bit of recent scientific work done on "mass decicions" almost always beeing even better for many issues than the single decicion by an highly skilled individual, as counter intuitive as it may sound.
In texas, for example, it's still illegal to have sex with cows, but that's never stopped any texans I'm sure.
[/ QUOTE ]
I just moved here!!! I had no idea I was breaking any laws, I swear!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
You live in Plano now? We are practically neighbors!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, I moved to the great state of Texas to work for Gearbox. I think we should try and do a DFW area Polycount meet up after the first of the year if enough people are up for it.
10 years? Bah, if they really wanted to punish the dude, just show the tape to the girls' dads.
But seriously, pretty silly sentence especially considering he'll be doing ten years of giving oral in prison, he'll come to realize the oral the 15 year old was giving really wasn't that good!
The reason I think America is Fucked up is because not everyone knows the laws. Only law makers do. I'd be willing to bet that hardly anyone knows the most up to date laws on anything. You find out about certain things by word of mouth, or common sence, but what about grey areas or after you commited them.. Baahh.. but the law is the law.
I was recently at a drivers safty course and I learned a bunch of laws I didnt even know exsisted. Things you could possibly get arrested for, or maybe just a ticket.
The thing is.. There is no formal way of keeping everyone up to date on laws. Who the Frick is going to go ask for a giant manual from some douche bag in some government office and read 1000 laws anyways.
Thing i miss most about school was learning about stuff everyday by an instuctor payed to do so. If only adults across the world had some formal way of being forced to stay up to date on all this shit, dumb shit wouldnt happen and everyone would know what the shit is going on.
I just moved here!!! I had no idea I was breaking any laws, I swear!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
You live in Plano now? We are practically neighbors!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, I moved to the great state of Texas to work for Gearbox. I think we should try and do a DFW area Polycount meet up after the first of the year if enough people are up for it.
[/ QUOTE ]
(still off topic)
Yes, but a bar must be involved!
Proof that people are slimeball mother fuckers, actually.
Come on.
What kind of stupid bitch would do that? It's like she's on her knees, blowing some dude or something, and suddenly gets nasty deja-vu, and fucking charges the guy for something he did 2 years ago, with her consent.
What a whore.
I think she should get thrown in prison, to get torn apart.
People like that bug me.
Maybe she needed some money or somethign? God.
That's an absolutely obscene verdict. Don't we have a Bill of Rights for this sort of thing?
"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
The sentence doesn't seem to fit the crime.
Proof that people are slimeball mother fuckers, actually.
Come on.
What kind of stupid bitch would do that? It's like she's on her knees, blowing some dude or something, and suddenly gets nasty deja-vu, and fucking charges the guy for something he did 2 years ago, with her consent.
What a whore.
I think she should get thrown in prison, to get torn apart.
People like that bug me.
Maybe she needed some money or somethign? God.
not sure about the specifics of the case, it must have been both the 17 year old and the 15 year old pressing charges, as far as i understand you have to actually be charged with a crime in court they can't just put you in there and find out what the crime was and go oh yeah you're guilty of this, whats crazy is he got 10 years in prison not for raping a 17 year old but for child molestation of the 15 year old who consented and you aparently hear that on the tape, but she wasn't old enough to consent, so the guy got 10 years in prison, that does seem a bit excessive for such a technical mishap... and yeah i laugh at the fact that it took them 2 years to realize they were molested and raped.
Honor student + star athlete + prison = they just bread a fucking kickass criminal, i mean seriously the guy gets out at 29 do you think he's gonna be ready to do good and contribute to his community, no he's gonna be like FUCK all of you i'm getting back at the system for all the wrong that was done to me.
What kind of stupid bitch would do that? It's like she's on her knees, blowing some dude or something, and suddenly gets nasty deja-vu, and fucking charges the guy for something he did 2 years ago, with her consent...
[/ QUOTE ]
Who are you talking about? The 17 year old or the 15 year old? Did you even read the article?
The 15 year old never charged him. Chances are, she enjoyed herself and didn't care a bit. She got action from the homecoming king as his two buddies. Normally, that would be called "getting lucky".
The guys do deserve punishment for video taping the event though. I mean really, what the fuck were they thinking? That's child pornography! Freaking idiots. What, were they going to show it to all of their friends? Put it on the internet?
I just feel bad for the 15 year old who now probably gets treated like trash when she wasn't the one who brought this on.
Rawkstar: Where the abuse of a minor is concerned, or domestic abuse, no individual needs to press charges. The State presses the charges. For example, if you slap your kid or your wife, neither of them need to admit it. If the state(basically, a cop) thinks your guilty? They charge you and collect evidence + prosecute.
yeah, reminds me of this this documentary where they had a person quiz another and every time the other got the answer wrong they first guy was supposed to zap him with electro shock, the other guy was an actor and there was no electro shock, but most of the participants would "kill" the guy with electro shock as long as the scientist said it was ok. yay the law is the law lets put the guy in jail.
Do you mean the Milgram Experiment? I agree with you. One of the jurors is even quoted as saying "It's a bad law." Quiet obedience can be rather frightening.
So it's f'd up to break the law? Yeah, makes sense.....
Doesn't matter if it's consensual or not. The law is the law.
If you drink and drive, and get caught and fined, is that f'd up? Is getting put in jail for stealing f'd up? 10 years is way too much, that's for damn sure. But if they didn't break the law, they wouldn't have to worry about it in the first place.
"And in Georgia, that they'd had oral sex made matters worse. Until 1998, oral sex between husband and wife was illegal, punishable by up to 20 years in prison." (that's more than armed robbery)
I guess Georgia's laws have always been this fucked up.
He's being charged with aggrivated child molestation, which is all a lie. It wasn't "aggrivated", it wasn't "child molestation", He didn't do anything to her, she did something to him. Technically it could have happened without him raising a finger. If she's 15 and he's 17 what's wrong with that? It's a two year difference (if that). I could understand if he was 18 because then your considered an adult(even if you can't buy drinks ).
personal responsibility was cast aside a long time ago in our country. Hurt yourself out of your own stupidity, and you can sue the company that made your pants because they didn't prevent you from being stupid. And not to mention the silliness that pretty much any girl can send a man to prison for years by uttering the word "rape". He may or may not have done it, but he'll rot in a cell while the courts figure out that girl was full of shit. I don't know why we gave those chicks any rights... clearly they dont deserve them. Vote for Ferg, I'll repeal all womens' rights, especially the ones that have made them all uppity the past couple decades. We're taking a lesson from saudi arabia on this one. Vote for Ferg.
If you drink and drive, and get caught and fined, is that f'd up? Is getting put in jail for stealing f'd up? 10 years is way too much, that's for damn sure. But if they didn't break the law, they wouldn't have to worry about it in the first place.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, I love this tactic. If you don't like something, compare it to something completely unrelated that nobody likes. Those anti-smoking blokes are masters of this. Like that old crackerjack of a commercial that insisted smoking cigarettes was the same thing as sticking vomit and dead rats in your mouth. (get it? smoking makes your mouth taste bad... and so do vomit and rats... the connection is obvious) And so, following this logic, since drinking and driving is stupid and illegal, 2 teens having sex must also be stupid, since it is also illegal.
Just because someone made it a law doesn't mean it should be a law... it just means someone who didn't like that thing became a congressman.
If you drink and drive, and get caught and fined, is that f'd up? Is getting put in jail for stealing f'd up? 10 years is way too much, that's for damn sure. But if they didn't break the law, they wouldn't have to worry about it in the first place.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, I love this tactic. If you don't like something, compare it to something completely unrelated that nobody likes. Those anti-smoking blokes are masters of this. Like that old crackerjack of a commercial that insisted smoking cigarettes was the same thing as sticking vomit and dead rats in your mouth. (get it? smoking makes your mouth taste bad... and so do vomit and rats... the connection is obvious) And so, following this logic, since drinking and driving is stupid and illegal, 2 teens having sex must also be stupid, since it is also illegal.
Just because someone made it a law doesn't mean it should be a law... it just means someone who didn't like that thing became a congressman.
90% of "adults", even at 18yrs of age, are nowhere near mature enough to deal with sex. They are still concerned with fashion, being 'cool', and what celebrity got married this week.
You think this 15yr old girl should be able to have sex if she wants? She's a child. She's not even fully developed. That's as disgusting as watching someone get shot.
I used no tactic, whatsoever. I wasn't comparing one thing, to something "completely unrelated". I was comparing one LAW to another LAW. If you break the law, you're a f'n idiot, and deserve the punishment.
As I said, most 18yr old "adults" are nowhere mature enough to take care of themselves, let alone having sex, and the possibility of having unwanted kids of their own.
..it just means someone who didn't like that thing became a congressman
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
Right, okay. And what do you guys mean by this? You love child porn then? No? So you agree with the law then? No?
You make no sense. People think child sex/porn is wrong, and you think it's bad to make a law against it? Brilliant!...
90% of "adults", even at 18yrs of age, are nowhere near mature enough to deal with sex. They are still concerned with fashion, being 'cool', and what celebrity got married this week.
[/ QUOTE ]
What? You base this on... watching TV? The news? Your mom's opinion? You're digging yourself a deeper hole, my friend.
As I said, most 18yr old "adults" are nowhere mature enough to take care of themselves, let alone having sex, and the possibility of having unwanted kids of their own.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you honestly think you're qualified to make that decision? It's not up to you who gets to have sex. Who cares if you dont think they can "handle it". That's not your call. Would you want someone who doesn't know you to have the power of deciding whether or not you can "handle" shooting a cop in GTA? Still diggin...
If you break the law, you're a f'n idiot, and deserve the punishment.
[/ QUOTE ]
re-read that statement, think about it for a moment, and decide if you really mean that.
I used no tactic, whatsoever. I wasn't comparing one thing, to something "completely unrelated". I was comparing one LAW to another LAW.
[/ QUOTE ]
You listed the act as illegal, then listed other things that were illegal (but not related in any other way). Plenty of other people have already given you a lashing about this... underage sex isn't really as harmful as drinking and driving. You put them together though, like being illegal made them both equally stupid and harmful.
Blah blah blah... tangent blah blah. Didn't mean to come in here and attack you vassago, mostly just felt like ranting. I'm not saying child porn should be legal, or that it's not bad, all I'm saying is just because something (underage sex) is illegal doesn't mean it's bad.
Well, you're not qualified to make that statement either, Ferg. Just because it's illegal doesn't mean it's BAD, correct. But it doesn't mean it's NOT bad, either.
What if the kids don't use condoms? STD's, HIV, etc? No harm comes from those then? What if they get pregnant? Live off taxpayer's money, their parents? What about the psychological impacts on the youth?
The door can swing both ways. You can argue a good point, while someone can argue the bad. It's a grey topic, Ferg. There is no "right" or "wrong" here.
And dude, there's never a need to apologize for what you say :P It's your opinion, and that's totally respectable
If there was no law, it's debatable in some fashion. But it is law. If it's broken, you get punished. If you guys disagree so strongly about it, protest.
I think there's still a law in Oregon or bumsville, Iowa or something, where it's still illegal to spit on a city street. Stupid? Yes and no. It's just spit. But it's offensive as all hell to some people. But a law is the law. I'm sure if enough people protested, they would change it.
Now that we've inspired a new generation of lawyers, lawmakers, and other passionate advocates for social justice, can you retards get back to talking about how bad the screenshots are for whatever upcoming title? Happy Holidays!
Trust me shit like that which makes me less inclined to return there if i can help it.
The only thing oral sex with a 17 year old would get you here is likely more oral sex,10 years christ.
Besides which could you finger a country that isn`t a fucked up place?
Doesn't matter if it's consensual or not. The law is the law.
If you drink and drive, and get caught and fined, is that f'd up? Is getting put in jail for stealing f'd up? 10 years is way too much, that's for damn sure. But if they didn't break the law, they wouldn't have to worry about it in the first place.
So it's f'd up to break the law? Yeah, makes sense.....
Doesn't matter if it's consensual or not. The law is the law.
If you drink and drive, and get caught and fined, is that f'd up? Is getting put in jail for stealing f'd up? 10 years is way too much, that's for damn sure. But if they didn't break the law, they wouldn't have to worry about it in the first place.
[/ QUOTE ]
Unlike drunk driving, teenagers having consensual oral sex does not endanger lives (also, you don't get prison time for a DUI). Not all laws are equal, and not all laws are just. This kid's life is ruined, and for what? How is imprisoning him going to benefit society, or anyone else for that matter? Two teenagers have consensual sex, and one of them gets locked up for 10 years and is labeled a "sex offender" for the rest of his life. Yeah, "the law is the law"
Not a single word about the 17-year-old alleged rape victim's parents allowing their under age daughter to drink at a new year's party in a motel room. Not a single word about the parents of the 15 year old raising a whore. This is why America's legal system is fucked up. Everyone should share some of the blame.
[/ QUOTE ]
now you are a whore if you have oral sex? O_O
Unlike drunk driving, teenagers having consensual oral sex does not endanger lives (also, you don't get prison time for a DUI). Not all laws are equal, and not all laws are just. This kid's life is ruined, and for what? How is imprisoning him going to benefit society, or anyone else for that matter? Two teenagers have consensual sex, and one of them gets locked up for 10 years and is labeled a "sex offender" for the rest of his life. Yeah, "the law is the law"
[/ QUOTE ]
Not to mention anyone that attempts to shine the harsh light of common sense on this case will be labeled a sex offender loving liberal. He won't get any help because no one wants the albatross of "oh your THE guy that helped teh sexal8tor offendsor, get off! Sicko pervert how many kids do you have chained up in your basement." hanging around their neck.
This guy had sex with a drunk 17 year old, who did not ask him to stop. Then the 17 year old went to the police, and said she was raped. Due to the video, he was cleared of the rape charge. But also, thanks to the video and the girl going to the police, he was found to have received oral sex from a 15 year old girl, who just so happened to be giving head to every guy there. And yes, THAT makes her a whore. This is about the 15 year old, because it's only legal if she's 16. And he's serving time for that act alone, aggravated child molestation, even tho he's 17. Weird.
Honestly, I think all involved should get a slap on the wrist, maybe probation, community service. The parents should be fined. I don't think sending one student to prison for 10 years is solving anyone's problem. It's just more tax money paying for an inmate guilty of a misinterpreted law.
In texas, for example, it's still illegal to have sex with cows, but that's never stopped any texans I'm sure.
[/ QUOTE ]
I just moved here!!! I had no idea I was breaking any laws, I swear!!!
I have had this idea in my head for a couple years now, I'm sure other people have thought of it but I just wanted to parlay it over to you guys:
A government based off of a system where people either watch TV or go to a website, and issues are shown, both sides (or multiple sides) are shown and argued for and against, and then the viewer can place their vote, option A (Yes), option B (No), or option C (obstain). All the votes would be tallied for each issue, and the government would act accordingly to the people's vote.
I guess it seems pretty sci fi ish, but I think that is what the founding fathers were trying to do, but the paper voting system takes a lot of work.
Also, there is the possibility of the system being hacked, so some pretty heavy duty security measures would have to be in place. Some sort of super secure cookies I am guessing.
But yeah, seeing websites like digg and how people digg and bury items, and people comment on the issues, which is great. Seeing this recent article on digg about the 17 year old getting a jail sentence of 10 years for having oral sex with a 15 year old, it makes me wish we had a similar system in place, so that the public could take a stand and vote for what they believe is right, instead of one judge making a ridiculous sentence that can ruin a person's life.
I would like to know what you think.
Mom who rented out 9 year old daughter to pedophile more than 200 times - 10 years in prison
Call me crazy...I think there's some judgment issues here.
Steady your talking about American idol Justice..and your assuming the populace always knows what's best. We elect Judges, sheriffs...etc to make those judgements for us because they know the law and how to interperet it. Is it perfect? Not by a long shot. But it beats mob rule
But really that is what society through the means of technology is moving to, and I think it really is only a matter of time before such a system is deployed (but it could still take a long time, especially as there are many people who would lose a lot of power that are currently in power).
Edit: Such a system given the right legal background and constrains, and working mostly (but not exclusivly) on a higher level than individual law cases is a far cry from "mob-rule".
Actually there is quite a bit of recent scientific work done on "mass decicions" almost always beeing even better for many issues than the single decicion by an highly skilled individual, as counter intuitive as it may sound.
In texas, for example, it's still illegal to have sex with cows, but that's never stopped any texans I'm sure.
[/ QUOTE ]
I just moved here!!! I had no idea I was breaking any laws, I swear!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
You live in Plano now? We are practically neighbors!
In texas, for example, it's still illegal to have sex with cows, but that's never stopped any texans I'm sure.
[/ QUOTE ]
I just moved here!!! I had no idea I was breaking any laws, I swear!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
You live in Plano now? We are practically neighbors!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, I moved to the great state of Texas to work for Gearbox. I think we should try and do a DFW area Polycount meet up after the first of the year if enough people are up for it.
But seriously, pretty silly sentence especially considering he'll be doing ten years of giving oral in prison, he'll come to realize the oral the 15 year old was giving really wasn't that good!
I was recently at a drivers safty course and I learned a bunch of laws I didnt even know exsisted. Things you could possibly get arrested for, or maybe just a ticket.
The thing is.. There is no formal way of keeping everyone up to date on laws. Who the Frick is going to go ask for a giant manual from some douche bag in some government office and read 1000 laws anyways.
Thing i miss most about school was learning about stuff everyday by an instuctor payed to do so. If only adults across the world had some formal way of being forced to stay up to date on all this shit, dumb shit wouldnt happen and everyone would know what the shit is going on.
I just moved here!!! I had no idea I was breaking any laws, I swear!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
You live in Plano now? We are practically neighbors!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, I moved to the great state of Texas to work for Gearbox. I think we should try and do a DFW area Polycount meet up after the first of the year if enough people are up for it.
[/ QUOTE ]
(still off topic)
Yes, but a bar must be involved!
"You let my daughter do what to you?"
[/ QUOTE ]
Come on.
What kind of stupid bitch would do that? It's like she's on her knees, blowing some dude or something, and suddenly gets nasty deja-vu, and fucking charges the guy for something he did 2 years ago, with her consent.
What a whore.
I think she should get thrown in prison, to get torn apart.
People like that bug me.
Maybe she needed some money or somethign? God.
"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
The sentence doesn't seem to fit the crime.
Proof that people are slimeball mother fuckers, actually.
Come on.
What kind of stupid bitch would do that? It's like she's on her knees, blowing some dude or something, and suddenly gets nasty deja-vu, and fucking charges the guy for something he did 2 years ago, with her consent.
What a whore.
I think she should get thrown in prison, to get torn apart.
People like that bug me.
Maybe she needed some money or somethign? God.
[/ QUOTE ]
Honor student + star athlete + prison = they just bread a fucking kickass criminal, i mean seriously the guy gets out at 29 do you think he's gonna be ready to do good and contribute to his community, no he's gonna be like FUCK all of you i'm getting back at the system for all the wrong that was done to me.
What kind of stupid bitch would do that? It's like she's on her knees, blowing some dude or something, and suddenly gets nasty deja-vu, and fucking charges the guy for something he did 2 years ago, with her consent...
[/ QUOTE ]
Who are you talking about? The 17 year old or the 15 year old? Did you even read the article?
The 15 year old never charged him. Chances are, she enjoyed herself and didn't care a bit. She got action from the homecoming king as his two buddies. Normally, that would be called "getting lucky".
The guys do deserve punishment for video taping the event though. I mean really, what the fuck were they thinking? That's child pornography! Freaking idiots. What, were they going to show it to all of their friends? Put it on the internet?
I just feel bad for the 15 year old who now probably gets treated like trash when she wasn't the one who brought this on.
I mean, the taping it thing was fucked up.
Yeah. I guess they should be put in jail, or whatever.
Do you mean the Milgram Experiment? I agree with you. One of the jurors is even quoted as saying "It's a bad law." Quiet obedience can be rather frightening.
So it's f'd up to break the law? Yeah, makes sense.....
Doesn't matter if it's consensual or not. The law is the law.
If you drink and drive, and get caught and fined, is that f'd up? Is getting put in jail for stealing f'd up? 10 years is way too much, that's for damn sure. But if they didn't break the law, they wouldn't have to worry about it in the first place.
[/ QUOTE ]
maybe a change of job vagasso?
I guess Georgia's laws have always been this fucked up.
He's being charged with aggrivated child molestation, which is all a lie. It wasn't "aggrivated", it wasn't "child molestation", He didn't do anything to her, she did something to him. Technically it could have happened without him raising a finger. If she's 15 and he's 17 what's wrong with that? It's a two year difference (if that). I could understand if he was 18 because then your considered an adult(even if you can't buy drinks
If you drink and drive, and get caught and fined, is that f'd up? Is getting put in jail for stealing f'd up? 10 years is way too much, that's for damn sure. But if they didn't break the law, they wouldn't have to worry about it in the first place.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, I love this tactic. If you don't like something, compare it to something completely unrelated that nobody likes. Those anti-smoking blokes are masters of this. Like that old crackerjack of a commercial that insisted smoking cigarettes was the same thing as sticking vomit and dead rats in your mouth. (get it? smoking makes your mouth taste bad... and so do vomit and rats... the connection is obvious) And so, following this logic, since drinking and driving is stupid and illegal, 2 teens having sex must also be stupid, since it is also illegal.
Just because someone made it a law doesn't mean it should be a law... it just means someone who didn't like that thing became a congressman.
If you drink and drive, and get caught and fined, is that f'd up? Is getting put in jail for stealing f'd up? 10 years is way too much, that's for damn sure. But if they didn't break the law, they wouldn't have to worry about it in the first place.
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Ah, I love this tactic. If you don't like something, compare it to something completely unrelated that nobody likes. Those anti-smoking blokes are masters of this. Like that old crackerjack of a commercial that insisted smoking cigarettes was the same thing as sticking vomit and dead rats in your mouth. (get it? smoking makes your mouth taste bad... and so do vomit and rats... the connection is obvious) And so, following this logic, since drinking and driving is stupid and illegal, 2 teens having sex must also be stupid, since it is also illegal.
Just because someone made it a law doesn't mean it should be a law... it just means someone who didn't like that thing became a congressman.
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90% of "adults", even at 18yrs of age, are nowhere near mature enough to deal with sex. They are still concerned with fashion, being 'cool', and what celebrity got married this week.
You think this 15yr old girl should be able to have sex if she wants? She's a child. She's not even fully developed. That's as disgusting as watching someone get shot.
I used no tactic, whatsoever. I wasn't comparing one thing, to something "completely unrelated". I was comparing one LAW to another LAW. If you break the law, you're a f'n idiot, and deserve the punishment.
As I said, most 18yr old "adults" are nowhere mature enough to take care of themselves, let alone having sex, and the possibility of having unwanted kids of their own.
..it just means someone who didn't like that thing became a congressman
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Right, okay. And what do you guys mean by this? You love child porn then? No? So you agree with the law then? No?
You make no sense. People think child sex/porn is wrong, and you think it's bad to make a law against it? Brilliant!...
90% of "adults", even at 18yrs of age, are nowhere near mature enough to deal with sex. They are still concerned with fashion, being 'cool', and what celebrity got married this week.
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What? You base this on... watching TV? The news? Your mom's opinion? You're digging yourself a deeper hole, my friend.
As I said, most 18yr old "adults" are nowhere mature enough to take care of themselves, let alone having sex, and the possibility of having unwanted kids of their own.
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Do you honestly think you're qualified to make that decision? It's not up to you who gets to have sex. Who cares if you dont think they can "handle it". That's not your call. Would you want someone who doesn't know you to have the power of deciding whether or not you can "handle" shooting a cop in GTA? Still diggin...
If you break the law, you're a f'n idiot, and deserve the punishment.
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re-read that statement, think about it for a moment, and decide if you really mean that.
I used no tactic, whatsoever. I wasn't comparing one thing, to something "completely unrelated". I was comparing one LAW to another LAW.
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You listed the act as illegal, then listed other things that were illegal (but not related in any other way). Plenty of other people have already given you a lashing about this... underage sex isn't really as harmful as drinking and driving. You put them together though, like being illegal made them both equally stupid and harmful.
Blah blah blah... tangent blah blah. Didn't mean to come in here and attack you vassago, mostly just felt like ranting. I'm not saying child porn should be legal, or that it's not bad, all I'm saying is just because something (underage sex) is illegal doesn't mean it's bad.
What if the kids don't use condoms? STD's, HIV, etc? No harm comes from those then? What if they get pregnant? Live off taxpayer's money, their parents? What about the psychological impacts on the youth?
The door can swing both ways. You can argue a good point, while someone can argue the bad. It's a grey topic, Ferg. There is no "right" or "wrong" here.
And dude, there's never a need to apologize for what you say :P It's your opinion, and that's totally respectable
It's a grey topic, Ferg. There is no "right" or "wrong" here
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Isn't that a tad ironic given this statement?:
Doesn't matter if it's consensual or not. The law is the law.
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If there was no law, it's debatable in some fashion. But it is law. If it's broken, you get punished. If you guys disagree so strongly about it, protest.
I think there's still a law in Oregon or bumsville, Iowa or something, where it's still illegal to spit on a city street. Stupid? Yes and no. It's just spit. But it's offensive as all hell to some people. But a law is the law. I'm sure if enough people protested, they would change it.