Hello all,
I've finally gotten to texturing. I've attached an image of what I've gotten done so far. I'd appreciate it if anyone can give me good tutorials on how to make bump maps, specular maps, etc. I've heard a bit about them but don't exactly know how they work. All I know is they are another layer of mapping that makes your model look better.
Critiques and suggestions always welcome,
The second one is how I learned how to normal map. Thanks Ben.
As for the model, seems very odd in the upper body, too thick almost, and he has no real spinal curve. Hands also seem oddly small. Perhaps a wireframe would help many people crit.
Btw I've flipped my UVW map right side up now.
I'd rotate that arm section so the lines are straight and parallel to the grid - that way it makes the pixels straight along the polys, which usually looks better and is easier to paint than having them rotated slightly.
Also if you want to save some space you could mirror the back half of the skull (leave the front of the face unmirrored), unless you're planning on having unique detail around the back of the head.